A Question a Day From the Dev's

Thunderheart has compiled "A Question A Day for the Dev's" question list. To view to the list... Thunderheart, in ten years can I have your job? Not unless Shug throws me into a Sarlacc pit, but then you'd have to take it up with him. Will we be able to pull our droids and have them run around on the YT-1300 deck while in flight? Sorry but no. Will there be any non-combat related space activities, such as, for example, trading/courier missions or exploration missions? Are there any plans to expandJtL to include merchants or prospectors or any other play styles apart from 'combat monster'? Not at this time, but in the future, there are many possibilities that we can explore. Will all types of healing work in multi-passenger ships? (i.e. medic / ent healing etc.) At this time, the answer is yes, but that may change in beta. We will be looking very closely at how healing shock and wounds is going to work in Space during bete. Will one of the new races have blue skin, red eyes, and black hair? Hehe I’ve really got my fingers crossed for Chiss Nope. Any plan to add Youzhan Vong (New Jedi Order) as a high level NPC mob in a future dungeon or quest in space? Would be fun to explore a Vong forward recon team or something like that. The biological ships and interiors would be a welcomed and nice change of pace from caves and metal walls, would really let the art team have some fun (or headaches hehe) No. That takes part in a timeline that is way in the future. Any word on a future monthly stories? Yes. So much effort went in to creating the Cries of Alderaan, that when we eventually ended it the devs felt that if that much work went in to creating content, that it should be part of the permanent game. The events team will continue to run events and activites, but in the future, when content is added, it will be permanent. Official Post


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