The Village of Aurillia

The devs have released information on an idea entitled "The Village of Aurillia". It would essentially provide a safe haven for Force Sensitive characters. For more info on the subject either read on or visit the official post. “I don’t know. You can’t see the stars here.” Paemos complained. “You can’t see the stars anywhere on this planet, can you? I mean with the trees and the clouds…” Noldan stopped speaking and turned his head towards the elder, Rohak. Rohak knelt down to the ground and lifted a handful of dirt to his face. He breathed in deeply, relishing the smell. “It’s good here. Green. Life.” The others nodded their heads in agreement. The three men stood and looked at each other for only a moment before Rohak spoke again. “This is where we shall begin. The Village of Aurilia. The dream becomes reality…” The hidden village of Aurilia (Ah-ree-lee-ah) was formed on a planet in the outer rim, near the Meridian Sector by a small group of like-minded Force sensitive refugees who had, for one reason or another, abandoned their old lives. They all possessed strange knacks for piloting, healing, combat or some other special ability in tune with the Force making them dangerous to the Emperor, and the rumors of a Sith Lord who held a high power amongst the Imperials. Many of them were hunted by viscous agents of the Empire and also had dealings with the Jedi council. Some were brought forward to the Council in the old days by Jedi warriors after discovering their natural abilities while others sought out the Jedi, hoping to be trained or at least given some explanation for these strange gifts that made other people look upon them with fear or trepidation. All of them were turned away from official Jedi training for various reasons: political ramifications, age, some did not display the qualities of a Jedi knight, and other personal reasons. This village has stood undisturbed for many, many years with the people there, living a rustic and agricultural life. They bother no one, trade with no one, and cause no trouble for the Empire, the Rebellion, or any of the various criminal organizations that exist throughout the galaxy. In this, they have hidden themselves in plain sight. They don’t do anything to actively discourage anyone from finding them, which in itself keeps them off the radar of most governments. Though they have no formal training many of them have become quite confident in their abilities, and they have no qualms about teaching what they’ve learned to anyone who is willing to listen. This is where you will begin your journey. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Creating a way for players to experience a mysterious but not impossibly hidden path from being “normal” to Force Sensitivity is a difficult task. Ultimately, it must be a story driven path that doesn’t go counter to the Star Wars experience, while also bending continuity in the game so that the MMO game experience can deliver a play experience that is satisfying and fun for those that do want to seek out Force Sensitivity. Without revealing the exact path to Force sensitivity, let it be said that it is not hidden in the way that the Holocron/Professions system was hidden. The path to Force Sensitivity has underlying mechanics, but essentially it is to just play the game. It is definitely achievable, but mysterious and unknown. We don’t want people to grind anymore, so ticking off master professions will cease to be part of the equation. We may or may not reveal more as time goes on. It depends on how the flow of players through the system goes. (If too many players are pushed through the system, we may have to make additional changes based on technological needs, but if we do that, we will let you know in advance). It may not be long before you are visited by a mysterious stranger. It will be a very short time before the path is revealed and generally known amongst the players. Once players are on the right path they will be welcomed to the village with open arms, and will be given the training they need to understand how their Force Sensitivity works. This place is the Village of Aurilia. It is a place where a group of Force Sensitive characters have gone to have some privacy and solitude in their lives. With the Empire slaying all the Jedi it can find, Bounty Hunters tracking them for profits and shunned by galactic citizens, these sentient beings needed a refuge. This village is that refuge. The player experience is one where they too can be a character that has these abilities and is seeking both help to understand their abilities and become part of this story. The village has heroic NPC’s, rogues and enemies. There are different stories a player may pursue and different Force Sensitivities that they can develop to make their character somewhat unique. As players use their characters to play through the Force Sensitive training, their powers will grow and they will choose their Force Sensitivities using the existing skill system by completing quests and then purchasing them with experience and skill points. An exciting new feature about this part of the process will be a new “Quest Journal”. Players will have a new user interface that will help them track the progress of their questing and also give them fictional descriptions and important information in the quest journal. When players finish their Force Sensitivity training, they may choose to either remain simply an FS character or go on to Padawan training. Kurt "Thunderheart" Stangl Community Relations Manager


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