Tuesday Tips

This week's Tuesday Tips provides us with tips for getting the most out of our visits to a vendor.
    Resizing Columns: If you are browsing for an item on a list of products that all have long descriptions, you can resize the columns so that the entire description is viewable. Simply hover your cursor over the top part of the list, in-between the two columns. You’ll know your cursor is in the correct location when the cursor changes to a side-to-side arrow <--->. When you see the side-to-side arrow, click and drag the column size to fit the descriptions you are trying to read. Next Items: A vendor will only list 100 items per page, but sometimes there are more than 100 items on the vendor. To browse those items, press the “Next Items” button and it will list the next page of 100 items available on the vendor. Offer/Available Items: If you want to transact business with a merchant, you may offer items to a vendor that may be made available or retrieved by you or the merchant at a later date. It is important to note that when using the offer/available items feature on a vendor that this is not a secure transaction. For items you prize as highly valuable, you should always use the secure trade feature if you are going to sell your rare and valuable items.


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