For those of you that are looking for an adventure with a good story and nice rewards (including over 10k credits worth of money and loot) check out the GF5Q post on the SOE forums or read on. . :: T h e :: B u l l e t i n :: B o a r d :: . The GF4Q was a 5-week long player quest directly associated with the Skycaster Omnimedia Presentation of GF4. It was designed to be run at any time by anyone who was looking for either a little content driven adventure and a fun story, or who just wanted to win the Grand Prize Lot (worth over 10,000,000 credits in cash and loot). It incorporated elements of puzzle-solving, roleplaying, scavenger hunting and whatever PvE happened while you were traveling the galaxy in search of a murderer. With the success of the last Quest, the decision was made to go ahead with its follow-up, GF5Q: Chasing Ghosts. Like the original Quest, it will incorporate multiple aspects of gameplay. This won't be a murder, though, as there's no point in repeating storylines. However, don't put away your magnifying glass and CSI T-shirts just yet. We know that sleuthing is a major part of the attraction, so we're not shaking the system up too much. There are two ways to play each chapter, and the entire GF5Q. You either read along with the rest of the community as the serialized chapters are released and try to figure out what each Quest Requirement is, and how to accomplish it as quickly as possible; OR, you could just wait for the exact details to be released a day or two later and follow the instructions on your own time. For those who have the interest and the time (we dub thee The Adventurers), there is little else to tell. Just read along and absorb the storyteller/roleplayer environment we try to build for you. For those of you with less interest and time in the 'fluffy stuff' and who are more interest in the payoff (we dub thee The Treasure Hunters) there is a summarized version of the Quest, below [Data Centre]. Here you can make a quick scan of the Quest's progress and check it against your own. Other than that, read what you like and do what you want. You're going to anyway. "Adventure; heh! Excitment; heh! A Jedi craves not these things" -- Jedi Master Yoda OLD BULLETINS, aka BS FROM NIIX: [JUL-00] . [JUL 19] Heh. Less than a week to go. Are you nervous? Because, I am. Who will be The 2004 GF5Q Grand Champion? Last time, Valera took home the title. Will she repeat, or will there be a new challenger to the throne? Either way, here is an endorsement from the Dancer-Warrior herself: "I don't know that I can exactly explain how being involved in something like this changes you and your gaming experience. I can tell you that it recreated this game for me. It not only brought amazing people into my life, people for whom I would do anything, but also gave me something to look forward to in game. It gave me a purpose at a time when I felt I had none. I know I'm rambling and being all dramatic, but I just want y'all to be able to have the same great experience that I had. " Rules and Regulations: All participants are welcome to compete for the Grand Prize Lot, except the following; employees of INC, relatives of employees of INC, those directly involved in the making of GF5Q (which includes anyone who provides a vendor, a location, certain services or a Quest Item), SOE CSRs, SOE Devs, Jodo Kast, ewoks or EV-9D9. If you fall into any of the above catagories, you may still compete for entertainment purposes only and the opportunity to receive a Secondary Prize Lot, but are ineligible to win an Interval Prize Lot and the Grand Prize Lot. Any participant may be designated ineligible at the discretion of the Design Team. No Quest Item hoarding is allowed. Any contestant who purchases multiple quest items without a justifiable reason will be disqualified (note that names are always reported to merchants when items are purchased). No AFK-Questing is allowed. Anyone found using a Quest completion macro will be used as bantha fodder. The contestant who successfully complete's the quest first, will be awarded the Grand Prize Lot (see prize listing for details). This person will also receive the title of "GF5Q Grand Champion" and "Adventurer Extraordinaire 2004" to be commemorated in ceremony and personalized award trophies. The Grand Prize Lot winner will not receive a Secondary Prize Lot. All constestants who successfully complete the quest will be awarded a Secondary Prize Lot (see prize listing for details). These persons will also receive the title of "Adventurer Bonafide 2004" to be commemorated by way of award plaques. The GF5Q Design Team will make the final determination on the order of completion, in terms of the adjudication of the Grand Prize Lot. This adjudication will be overseen by the accounting division of Corporate Sector Authority, and will use a vendor timestamp/email system. In all cases, the GF5Q Design Team is to be considered the final authority on this matter. LEGALITY: This offer is not valid on Nal Hutta or Nar Shadda. Please consult your doctor, medtech or tribal shaman before undertaking the quest. Skycaster Omnimedia, Bohemian Grove, SDE and INC are not responsible for any injury, damage, loss of life or loss of property incurred while completing the quest. GF5Q is not associated with any political faction or dairy product. This quest is rated PG-13 for Mild Violence and Frightening Scenes. Viewer discretion is advised. GBB# 271-2284-04592-2 . :: T h e :: F A Q :: . general -----{ What's the GF5Q? The GF5Q stands for "GF5 Quest." It is a player event designed to promote and enhance another player event, called Groovefest 5 (GF5), organized by Keltrien Skycaster and the good people at {INC}. -----{ Who's running it? Executive Producer: Keltrien Skycaster. Producer/Writer: Niix Starkyller. The rest of the design team and individual location/vendor assistants will remain undisclosed for the time being. -----{ Are the Devs, CSRs or Mods involved in GF5Q? The SOE Events Team has offered to lend us a small, helping hand. Last time, that was enough to give the Quest some authenticity otherwise unavailable to us mere mortals. We shall see what the future holds. -----{NEW{ Can I help? Quite possibly. However, to be honest, I've already lost track of all the people who have generously offered their assistance. The spirit of community on this server continues to impress me. So, feel free to offer your help, but take no slight if we don't call upon you. Besides, the less people helping and the more people competing makes for a happy design team. -----{ Why a quest? Well, first the Earth cooled, and then came the dinosaurs ... It evolved out of a conversation Keltrien and I had before the last big shindig (GF4). I was thinking of crafting a (much smaller) quest and he wanted to promote GF4. So, Kelt being who he is, inspired me to make a great big honkin' quest. See Niix run: The last Quest went swimmingly well, so off I went to make another one for GF5. And here we are. Also, I was inspired by an old veteran of Intrepid, the long lost DaVinci. To wit: -----{ What do we have to do for the Quest? The main element of the Quest is to collect pieces of evidence and items relevant to resolving the story. These are called Quest Items and each will be signified by a specific number in the title (eg: [GF5Q.01]) where possible. There will also be certain other things to do to be involved, but anything out-of-the-ordinary will have optional ways to complete it. See the Quest Requirements at the end of each Chapter. -----{ Where do broken hearts go when they're on their way home? Usually they take the 'scenic' route through the bar, then a cab, and a big tub of ice cream for girls and a marathon session of Quake for the boys. I have no idea what the androgynous do. story -----{ Where is the story? Right here in this thread. It's also available in a graphically enhanced forum. Clicky, time: -----{ When is the next Chapter going to be published? To keep it fair for all, the announcement for Chapter publishes will be vague. The closest you'll get will generally be a date, not a time. We have actually outlined a schedule for release dates, but this is SWG and it's tradition to juggle dates like a blind circus performer. Just keep checking here. -----{ Who knows the advanced details of the story? The full story details are ONLY known by the design team and a certain SWG DEV. While some of the other contributors know the details pertinent to their involvement, many of them have absolutely no idea about the story's arc nor any of the larger plot points. We have our lips sealed, so it's really futile to ask anyone for story clues. It's really nice that you're curious though. I do appreciate that. -----{ Why are you bothering with a story? Mostly because I like writing. And also because we are limited in how much SW content we can add in-game. -----{ What if I don't have the time to read all of the Story elements? Then check this forum for a summarized list of the Quest Requirements so far (the list is posted above in the Data Centre). -----{ Do I have to read the story to get the clues and requirements to complete the Quest? No. In fact, I will add in a clear description of the Quest Requirements after each Chapter. But I will only do that DAYS later, so reading the story and figuring it out for yourself will put you ahead of the pack. And there are perks to being the first who completes a Quest Requirement for any given Chapter. -----{ Are there any other clues to help with Quest Requirements? Yes, there is a 'rumour mill' thread that will have little bits and pieces that constitute additional clues. However, there will also be red herrings and general 'dressing' pieces, so take each one with a grain of salt. OR -----{ What perks? Loose lips sink ships. -----{ What does that mean? Google it, or go watch the History Channel, kiddo. details -----{ Where is Bohemian Grove? The mountain town of Bohemain Grove, is located in a high vale on Tatooine. It is almost due north (N) of Mos Tyrenia (a rebel sympathetic city) and north-north-east (NNE) of Geigen City (an imperial sympathetic city). It takes approximately 3 minutes by vehicle, 5 minutes by steed and 7 minutes by foot -- depending on your particulars. Please be aware that Krayt Dragons do roam the area east of these routes, so try not to stray. Approximate waypoint is 6200/7400. -----{ Where can I see the prizes for the Quest? [.:The Vault:.] and [.:The Armory:.] are located even closer to Mos Tyrenia, at 6505/5360. There is also a thread with the list of current items: OR -----{NEW{ So ... will these boards be the first place for updates? Are we getting a leg up? No. Invariably, there will be some difference (a few seconds) but I should actually post them almost simultaneously on both boards. However, last time, I would do the cut / paste / reformat thingey with two windows open and hit POST/ADD REPLY for each respectively. I'd say that the OG board [galaxyforums] responded with a successful post 99% of the time. The Official [SOE] boards responded less favourably at about 80%. So, if I was a betting man... . :: T h e :: D a t a b a n k :: . "If it's not in our archives ... it doesn't exist." - Jedi Archivist, Jocosta . : ACT I : . "Susurrous" Prologue //events// Niix Starkyller makes trouble again. //quest requirements// none. . :: T h e :: W i n n e r s :: C i r c l e :: . "Winning isn't everything; it's the only thing." -- Vince Lombardi Grand Prize Lot: Awarded to the first person to complete the entire quest, who meets eligibility (see Rules and Regs above). Choo kar-azy if choo tink I'm listing it twice!:
    GRAND CHAMPION PRIZE: [your name here?]
Secondary Prize Lot: Awarded to everyone (except the Grand Champion) who completes the entire quest. This is regardless of Quest eligibility (see Rules and Regs above). An Official GF5Q Commemorative Item, a batch of cookies by Niix Starkyller, and one "Adventurer Bonafide [2004.GF5Q]" award plaque. And possibly more.
    Adventurer/Secondary Prizes: [your name here?]
Interval Prize Lot(s): Awarded to the person(s) who completes a single chapter's Quest Requirements with the fastest times(s), and who meets eligibility (see, well, you know...).
    Prologue: n/a. Chapter One: X Award trophy (awarded to ? 00/00). Epilogue: n/a.
Prologue Missing Pieces of the Future "Being on the tightrope is living; everything else is waiting." -- Karl Wallenda ...RELEASE DATE :: JULY 24, 2004... A c t . I Chapter One Title "Quote." -- source ...RELEASE DATE :: JULY 25, 2004... A c t . I Chapter Two Title "Quote." -- source It was a dark and stormy night...


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Sell you a Bridge?
# Jul 21 2004 at 7:35 AM Rating: Default
Someone needs to give this guy the antidote.. the SOE Brain washing has started to mess with his head.

Request to SOE for future content anouncements .. CLEAR, EXACT and to the point.. you know so we that don't have all day to stair blankly at the monitor can figure out and digest what it is they are adding and then log on and do it.
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