Info On New CD-Key Problem

Important notice for our customers regarding activation keys: Working closely with our partners at Lucas Arts LLC, we have identified an issue where a batch of Star Wars Galaxies©: An Empire Divided® activation keys were erroneously duplicated by the fulfillment house packaging the product and shipped in sealed retail units. The duplicate key when entered by the second person using it to activate an account will receive a message stating that the key is already in use. If you have recently purchased a retail unit and received the error message stating the key was already used, please contact Sony Online Entertainment’s live customer support via telephone or through our live web chat for a replacement key. You can contact our live support by telephone at 858-790-STAR between the hours of 9:00am and 6:00pm PDT. You can also contact our live support via the web by following these instructions:
    1. Open a web browser and perform a Knowledge Base search from the following link: 2. Enter “SWG account key” as a search parameter and press return. 3. When the search results page appears you may then read any articles or select the third tab on the top of the window labeled “Live Support”. Selecting this tab will open another web page with the live support process. Follow the instructions and you will be connected to our live support via a web chat client.
Please have your account information and your purchase receipt ready when you contact us. A support representative will verify and provide a replacement activation key. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused some of our customers. Kurt "Thunderheart" Stangl Community Relations Manager Official Post


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