Episode III Title Released

For those of you that haven't heard yet Lucas Arts has announced the title of Episode III... REVENGE OF THE SITH! OOOOOOOO, AHHHHHH!!!!! Official Link


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# Jul 28 2004 at 6:16 PM Rating: Excellent
HAHA I can see it right now!

Where here at the Town Center Shopping Center awaiting the theatrical release of Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith. All around me are dedicated fans that have been living outside of the movie theater ever since the title of the movie was announced on July 26 of last year. Let's interview one right now!.......

I wonder...
# Jul 27 2004 at 3:42 PM Rating: Excellent
3,079 posts
I'm now scared of you Justene o.0

Anyways, I wonder if people will dress up in black and wear weird make-up while siting outside of theaters... for 30 friggen days!!
Quote Plainsman
# Jul 27 2004 at 2:58 PM Rating: Excellent
Haha, it's so deliciously evil!
# Jul 27 2004 at 4:10 AM Rating: Good
I believe the best comment is summed up in one word.


"Revenge of the" makes it sound like a 50s B-movie. Might be the best of the 3, but the title doesn't raise my hopes much.
RE: O.o
# Jul 27 2004 at 2:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Hey... a 50's B-movie would be a step up from episodes 1 and 2.

Perhaps there is hope yet, however. Revenge of the Sith makes it sound somewhat sinister. Perhaps he'll kill jar-jar in this one. If Jar-Jar dies a gruesome death, it will redeem the whole series.

Edited, Tue Jul 27 15:34:25 2004
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