The Devs' Agenda

Since Thunderheart is getting ready to take on his new job JustG has been filling in for him. JustG has layed out the current agenda of the development team and what they hope to accomplish in the near future. BTW don't forget to check out Lady Darkflame's latest update!
    Folks, Thanks so much for the feedback, please keep it coming. Thunderheart is in San Diego doing some transitional stuff as he takes on the role of Community Manager, so I am filling in for him today. The AI will not have a weapon switch delay. They do not use the same combat queue as Player Characters do. We could eventually code this in, but it will take approximately a week of dev/ QA time, and I am certain more than a few of you would find a way to, er, take advantage of this situation, so we would have to spend more time balancing it against exploits etc. This may be something that we revisit in the future, but we would rather spend whatever spare dev time we have now in getting powerful quick fixes out to you before JTL ships. Case in point, this is our second publish this week, and we will have inoculations and area cures on Test Center by tomorrow. No other loot drop rates have been touched outside of the Loot Kits. We are furiously trying to track down the Wookiee Armor crash, and have been working in close concert with some of you (THANKS) to nail it down. We are making traction, but have not solved it yet. Again, we are as concerned over the CB delay as you are. Over the next few weeks, we are going to be trying very hard to get as many short-term fixes/ augmentations in as possible. We are bringing your correspondents down to Austin for a Summit Meeting next month to discuss the broader picture in full detail. Thanks for the feedback and your patience, - g
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