Omens of War Preview

Introduction The staff at Allakhazams recently had the opportunity to take a guided tour of the new Omens Of War expansion. I met up in game with Brenlo (the alter ego of Alan, manager of Community Relations with Sony Online Entertainment) and set off into the new world. Overall impressions After the initial announcement of the original OOW expansion, with its alien story line, inadequate testing time, and lack of community input, Sony developers went back and re-examined the entire concept for the expansion. The EverQuest guild community was polled for information, and based on their feedback the original storyline for the expansion was scrapped and re-tuned to be more in line with the fantasy genre. Developers also examined aspects of gameplay that have been problematic in the past, such as soloing, downtime, and looked at ways to improve them. The results are a visually impressive expansion with many new gameplay aspects. Overall the graphics upgrades of this expansion are the most fundamental since the Velious expansion Gameplay The biggest change to gameplay is the increased level cap to lvl 70. It remains to be seen how this will affect gameplay across the board. While the level cap increase will allow high end players further opportunities for advancement, some long time players argue that the increase will marginalize content from previous expansions. The subject has been under fairly intense debate amongst the beta community, a debate that will likely continue for some time without resolution. A new transportation system is also in place. Similar to the Magus network of the Lost Dungeons of Norrath expansion, the Priests of Discord are now available to teleport adventurers to the new zones, as well as some of the existing ones. This expansion also includes new Epic Weapons. There will be 16 separate quests, geared towards the higher end raiding crowd. Not much information is available about them at this time, however you can view the concept art and some clues for the cleric epic here: The tribute system has been changed to allow entire guilds to benefit from items submitted for favor points. No more rotting lore equipment during raids, just have someone grab it and pop over to a tribute master. For solo players, the developers have added a task system. A player can go grab a task, then complete it at their leisure. The tasks are designed to take between 60 and 90 minutes on average, and will usually involve several facets (kill mob A., then deliver loot B. to quest mob C.). The difficulty level will be class based, with classes that have difficulty soloing placed on the easy end of the scale, and those traditionally more adept at soloing placed towards the hard end of the scale. Rewards from tasks will be typically cash and experience. There is some talk of tying the task system into the adventure point system, but that has not yet been implemented. Another new aspect in the game is the addition of custom player titles. These titles are based off of AA points earned, level, quests, or "other" criteria. The player will be able to choose any title they are entitled to from a drop down list. The more titles you earn, the more choices you will have. The last major change is the addition of new Alternative Advancement point rewards. A large portion of the new ones will be geared towards the tradeskill set, including the chance to recover items during a failed tradeskill attempt, and abilities to lessen the chances of those failures. There are also plenty of new abilities for the non tradeskillers, including increased spell and buff slots, the ability for non casters to Gate and the usual increases in skill and resist levels. At time of release there is some concern that the AA prices and levels are not fully tuned. This will likely be addressed in the future based on community feedback. Itemization tables were not fully in at Beta, but the ones that dropped so far look to continue the trend of "Mudflation" or ever increasing weapon statistics. It's going to be a chaotic few weeks in the Bazaar, that's for sure. The new zones themselves are quite impressive. Very, very large and highly detailed. Huge castles. Vast underground caverns, all highly detailed and populated with an impressive array of creatures. I did not get an opportunity to see how they hold up under raid conditions, but some of your guildmembers with older cards are definitely going to have some difficulties running in the new zones. Graphics The most noticeable feature of the new expansion zones are the new mob models. Over the years since the original EverQuest was released, mobs have steadily evolved as graphics hardware has improved. The mob models in Omens of War are much more complex than any we have seen previously. In addition to being some of the most complex 3d objects ever introduced in large numbers into a game environment, all the new models are fully bump mapped, giving the overlaying textures a more realistic look. For example, on the new drakeling models, when a wing is opened or closed, the area around the wing joint actually ripples and bunches. The feared Bazu boasts knobby armor spikes and protrusions. Movement also seems much smoother and more natural. These new models are currently only found in the expansion zones, but there are plans to eventually include similar updates in the older zones. A Bazu Another new Critter The landscape and terrain of the new zones also received a major upgrade. Prior to OOW, the zones were constructed of a 3d model, with a single texture layer. If you wanted an aged portion on a brick wall, you would need to create and load a texture for an aged brick wall. With OOW, zone designers can now add two separate layers of texture. The overall effect is a much more uniform, detailed surface. At this time, character models will still only have one layer, but the developers are looking into adding a second. I personally would like to see them use the second layer to show battle damage. Maybe an area of charring after a flame AOE or a nuke. We'll have to wait and see what they come up with though. Another new feature of the graphics engine updates is the ability to apply particle effects to characters in all zones, new and old. On a cold day, your character exhales frosty breath. When you go swimming, as you swim you see bubbles. They have also used this to great effect on creatures. Some Ice elemental creatures now emit frost, and as they walk they leave icy footprints. Poison clouds, flaming hair, these effects add realism and depth to the new mob models, especially when combined with some of the other character model enhancement elements below. If you recall your days as a hapless newb, I’m sure you remember your first encounter with an orc/gnoll/kobold/etc. Though it punched, kicked, slashed, hacked you to a pulp, it only made one sound for attack, and one sound when being hit. With the new mob models, not anymore! Under the new system, sounds are tied to animation. Now, when a Chimera attacks you, the lion head roars as it bites you, the snake part hisses as it strikes. This system will be in place only in the new zones for the time being Perhaps the biggest graphics change of all is the introduction of shadows. This is very cool. With the shadow setting toggled, all characters and mobs project a true to life drop shadow (I guess we'll finally find out if Vampires really don't have shadows next trip to Mistmoore!). These new shadows work just like their real life counterparts. If the sun is behind you, you get a long shadow. Overhead, and you get a relatively short shadow. If you are on broken terrain, your shadow follows the terrain. No more need for that /time command! Now you can tell when it is just by the position of the sun, or the moons! The one downside to the new shadow system is that it is very graphics intensive. During the tour I was running a P4 1.8 ghz, 1gb ram system with a Geforce FX 5900 Ultra 256mb graphics card. At 1024 x 768 resolution, 32 bit, I had to crank the clip plane back to about 75 percent to be able to play with shadows turned on even in the smaller zones. If you have an older graphics card and want to see the Shadows, you may want to think about upgrading. Another new graphic feature that was added is reflective water. Before, EverQuest water has been pretty much limited to murkey gloom with an image layer on the top. Now, you get a true reflective water. If you lean your character over the edge of a lake, you see your reflection. If someone jumps in the water near you, you see ripples in the water passing through your reflection. When Mr. big_angry_dragon_01 walks up behind you and taps you on the shoulder while you are admiring your reflection, you see his reflection in the water as well... right before he eats you. This feature will be limited to expansion zones for the time being. The moon's reflection. Note the wind ripples in the water. The EverQuest sky also gets an upgrade. In addition to providing reference points for the shadows, there are now more options to set the texture and detail levels, based on whatever your graphics card can handle. This system is still under construction, so I wasn't able to play around with it very much. The new Sky effects, with reflection on the water While many of these new zone enhancements will only be available in the new zones, the EverQuest development team is planning on eventually re-engineering the early existing zones and character models. No exact timeframe is available at this time, however, it will likely be released in conjunction with a future expansion, as a regular patch, not part of the expansion itself. The new Graphics Options windows. These may change before release Conclusions Overall I was very impressed with the graphics elements. The updates to the graphics engine should increase the realism factor quite a bit, and allow for future improvements. Gameplay has also been updated, though it remains to be seen how these updates will be received by the community at large. For being released as close as it was to GoD, the Omens of War expansion includes an impressive array of new features and content. The box


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What system is good for this?
# Oct 01 2004 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
So I am going to go buy a new system but want to make sure it will be good enough to play this too. Says he had problems with 256 mb video card. The system I am looking at is 3.40ghz/1gb/128mb video (Radeon) is this going to be enough to turn everything on or is the latest and greates just not enough for everything?
# Sep 22 2004 at 4:58 AM Rating: Decent
I don't know what all the fuss is about I like the idea of being able to go home when I want. I have been left on more than one occasion to try to make my way back alone it is not fun I have started a Shaman just so I can make gate potions for my ranger, I have only had Omens for a day so I really don't know what it is about yet. I need a manual but I don't know where to get one that is a quest in it's self.
EQ caves!
# Sep 19 2004 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
I have been an Eq player for years now. Why oh why do you keep simplifying this game? WHy not just start everyone out at level 69 and let us all kill 2 bats and get our epic! Wooohoo! What fun would that be???
PLEASE EQ, please stop trying to simplify this game! If anything, keep it as challenging as it was in the old days! You really had a good thing going on then. I think you let some newer and cranky Eq gamers force you to cave in and simplify what was once an incredible online gaming experience.
Help Me Hear the Voices
# Sep 16 2004 at 5:23 AM Rating: Excellent
I can't hear the voices...downloaded latest drivers for my sound card and all...any suggestions?
RE: Help Me Hear the Voices
# Sep 19 2004 at 10:21 AM Rating: Good
I had the same problem. Turns out ordering the game and uploading it are two separate things~ LOL.
After ordering the game online as I did, I had to go to the first EQ screen and actually upload it from there. Not sure if this will be your cure, but as for me, it worked!!! good luck!
Warrior gate
# Sep 14 2004 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
Warriors can gate!!? Well that just takes all the fun out of the game. Think about all that is lost by this: 1.) Endless killings of sarnak berzerkers in the Overthere for their warbraids to build faction for the hammer quest. 2.) The time wasted trying to get your Workers Sledgemallet to proc on a group member. And 3.) The joy and exicitement of having the dumb thing fail to proc in a life or death situation, and having all your buddies laugh at you while you run for your corpse thats in a zone you couldn't get out of in the first place.
RE: Warrior gate
# Sep 15 2004 at 12:59 AM Rating: Decent
Don't forget that if you forget and leave it equipped it will proc on the first swing on the first mob and promptly put you back in OT. Kind of a pain if you are deep in chardok (did that).
# Sep 14 2004 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
I thought OK,let's tey this new Task Quest. I am not able to because of my LEVEL?? 57 Druid? Is there a level cap?

Started in my Home Town>< No task with someone of my Abilites,so I was told by NPC to go to Dreadlands still no task for someone with my Abilities[b][/b]
# Sep 25 2004 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
Try finding a TASK at 60+, there are 2 and they ARE NOT SOLO material, SOE once again is FULL OF IT. Put out a poorly designed and imagined thing that barely interfaces with the rest of the game and CHEER ABOUT IT. My 64 BST has one task available, and it involves the dining room at DROGA, which is DB to me now, NOT SOLOABLE and HARDLY a 90 minute task. I am soooo tired or being outright LIED TO by the game developers and their shills in sales, and then left to be shiat upon by the poor underpaid, under skilled, and authorityless support staff...
# Oct 01 2004 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
65 War here, can't solo from the task system either, complete waste of time for me. Figured I had 60 min to burn, wound up doing not yet another LDON because the task was ridiculous.
# Sep 14 2004 at 5:05 PM Rating: Default
Now why dont they revamp the whole game like this? Reflective water and sutch cmon now it would be a hell of a more impressive game for everyone if they did.
Bards Beware
# Sep 14 2004 at 4:37 PM Rating: Default
Reading through the patch message I came across this note:

"Bard PB AoE spells will no longer damage targets that are moving; however, any other spell effects from the PB AoE spell will still be applied to the target as usual."

Say goodbye to the stacks of bodies from AE kiting bards.
Changes to easier
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
About warriors being able to gate and similar changes, I don't like it when game rules change during a game. I wish some of the accepted "realities" of this game were let to stay the same instead of ever confusing the class abilities, removing the need to summon corpses, the need for druids or wizards to port, the need to research outside of game for maps etc. In 3 years EQ has become a lot easier and less of an adventure because of it.
Gating is a Game Mechanic
# Sep 14 2004 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
30 posts
Not that anyone would care about my Opinion...but having gate equivalent as a Warrior has been in the game for some time. Gate Potions, Gate Items are here and have been for a couple expansions at least. The AA ability to gate to a specific city does not seem all that unatural at this stage and is an enhancement that will benefit all those out there that might not easily be able to afford the time or plat for the other Gate vehicles. Those that have the other gate vehicles will now have the ability to 'gate' to multiple 'bind' points sorta. This greatly enhances the individual melee's ability to move within the game and potentially saves a lot of RL time. Which to me is the most valuable commodity in the universe short of life itself. I have primarily played a Warrior for 5 years now..I welcome this heartily.

Edited, Tue Sep 14 15:50:54 2004
# Sep 14 2004 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
Hmm gating for a warrior hmmmmmmmmm. I am a 65 lvl warrior and not sure if we should be able to have something to help us gate. Just doesn't seem right, but tis all good with me hehe .. =p
RE: c
# Sep 19 2004 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
I'm just thinking about the situation deep in some hard zone, and there being only two classes that can't gate. Or let's say you are on your fighting-class and you lose power. You come back, your group is gone, and you're level in the guts of a high-end zone by yourself. God help you if it was a raid. I think it's good. It's not like they can gate wherever they want. It's not a true gate remember. It's only to their starting city.
RE: c
# Sep 14 2004 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
I actulay like the idea that everyone can now get a gate equlivent. Saves people a ton of real time traveling back after spending so much time traveling somewhere to do anything of real value.
RE: c
# Sep 14 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
I agree it does seem out of place. I kinda wish they would stop trying to mix class/talents so much and keep it real, per se. I wouldn't mind either really, its just casters are casters, and you take all the skills and abilities into consideration when you make the charachter. They should leave the mixing to EQ2.
Anything in it for Mid-Lvls?
# Sep 14 2004 at 12:42 PM Rating: Default
As a player who has a lvl 32 Shaman as his highest level, my only question on OoW is simple. is there anything in it new or improved for the low and mid level players. I'm tired of buying expansions that have nothing I am going to be able to even use for another year or so. Is the new Task System useable by all levels, or only the Uber?
RE: Anything in it for Mid-Lvls?
# Sep 16 2004 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
About the only thing that is new for lower level is the Task system.
# Sep 14 2004 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
i prefer the ranger Gate " LOADING, PLEASE WAIT"
Exciting Stuff
# Sep 14 2004 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
Nice review Kao. Looks like allot of eye candy to look forward too.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
# Sep 14 2004 at 6:09 AM Rating: Good
655 posts
That's a lot of good upgrades. Only thing I'm against is the all classes being able to gate. I'm a warrior with my main, and still that just seems to ruin it. =(
Antonius Bayle
# Sep 14 2004 at 7:34 AM Rating: Good
It is gate to a friendly city, probly your home city, don't think they'd send you to your bind spot. Its just like having an Overthere Hammer, sept you go to your home instead of Overthere. You also need AAs to get the skill, and a 9 hour reuse time, fun.
# Sep 14 2004 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
Actually, it doesnt appear that it will be to a friendly city according to the dev. Seems like it will work like the bind/gate that we are used to. Let me know if this is not right though.

<Brannoc> How will the new bind/gate system work. It looks like there will be new secondary bind points for casters and melee will be able to gate. Is this correct?
<Rashere> The Secondary Recall AA will recall the player to a point that is set by use of an item called a Stone of Marking. The stone has the same limitations as normal bind affinity.
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# Sep 14 2004 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
What is the re-use time of Secondary Recall? And it's not just wizard only?
# Sep 14 2004 at 12:31 PM Rating: Default
Secondary Recall is different from Origin. It acts as a second gate for casters, whereas Origin will take you to your home city.
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