Weekend Siege Results

InstantKarma has captured Dion, becoming the first guild on Devianne to capture a castle! Congratulations! Not to be out-done, the next day Ultionis captured Giran to become the second guild to take a castle. All other castles did not change hands. Here are the full results: Siege Highlights Saturday, 10/2 Bartz * SoLofLineage1 retained control of Giran. Kain * WDBeta retained ownership of Gludio, while Olympus2 kept control of Dion. Erica * pwn retained control of Giran. Devianne * InstantKarma became the first clan to capture a castle on the server, gaining control of Dion just under the time limit. Sunday, 10/3 Bartz * SoC remained in control of Dion, while Ginnunga retained Oren. Kain * LegendOfKnights retained ownership of Giran, while DragonFire1 held onto Oren. Erica * legacy retained control of Dion, while Exodus captured Oren just shy of the time limit. Devianne * Ultionis captured Giran.


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