Announcing SOE Worlds Magazine

I received the following press release from SOE: Many Worlds, One Destination Introducing Sony Online Entertainment Worlds, the ultimate magazine for the players and communities of EverQuest(R), Star Wars Galaxies(R), EverQuest(R) Online Adventures(TM), PlanetSide(R), Champions of Norrath(TM) and EverQuest(R) II. In-depth information, interviews and columns from the creators of your games, insider scoops on new games and expansions, as well as articles and features written for and by players just like you. SOE Worlds contains crucial insider info on EverQuest for players of all types. For new or returning players, we’ll cover gameplay through the first ten levels and offer suggestions for finding that perfect guild. Expert players will learn high-level raiding secrets and develop new trade skills. Omens of War, the latest EverQuest expansion will be peeled open for all to see. SOE Worlds has information you can use to maximize your Star Wars Galaxies play experience. SOE Worlds offers an in-depth examination of Jump To Lightspeed's deep space combat; a profile of one of SWG's top outfits; a trade skills improvement guide; plus a blow-by-blow account of a high-level group encounter. The magazine also features news and future plans for Galaxies, and direct feedback from the game’s producers. It’s coming! After many years of development, the next generation of Norrath is imminent. Before EverQuest II launches, SOE Worlds gives you the inside scoop on EQ II, revealing some of Norrath's history and exploring game features both familiar and brand new. 500 years have passed between EverQuest and EverQuest II – will you be ready? SOE Worlds also contains info on the future changes and additions to PlanetSide, a look at recent events in EverQuest Online Adventures and a preview of the new SOE game Champions: Return to Arms(TM) for the PlayStation(R)2 computer entertainment system. To pre-order your copy of SOE Worlds today, head to -Sony Online Entertainment


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Fan Fair Pre-reg and mag.
# Oct 07 2004 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
Vannoth has said that he will try to get a copy of tis in the registration packet that we get at Fan Fair. I hope he can get them there in time. = D
# Oct 06 2004 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
Got my copy reserved:)
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