October 13th Patch Notes

From the EQLive page: October 13th, 2004 Recent Update - Summoned pets no longer vanish when their owner turns invisible - Froglok animations are now fixed, seriously, no really we mean it this time. - Continue the Adventure! Read the first in the new series of EQ Novels. Warrior Epic ----------------------- - Modified the way Decaying Lord Galuk Drek is spawned in Veksar. He should now be more approachable and less of a bottleneck for those warriors at this step. - Lowered the respawn time of the Dragorn Champion in Wall of Slaughter significantly. We have also lowered his aggro and help radius. Bard Epic ----------------------- - Corrected an issue in the Dragons Necropolis that caused more NPCs to be present than was planned for. - The Kithicor Forest encounter should now reset properly. Ranger Epic ----------------------- - Rangers triggering the Senvial, Grinbik and Uisima events for their Epic quest will need to have the trigger item on their person. - It should no longer be possible for a ranger with Senvial's Blessing to get the reward for the Senvial event. Druid Epic ----------------------- - Corrected an issue with the Coven spawn in South Karana. - The Blackened Dryad event in Kithicor should now respawn correctly after a failed attempt. - Only the druid who initiates the Goblin Hide and Seek event will be allowed to the loot the bag upon completion. - More than one Druid can now summon and talk to the Compelled Spirit. - We have increased the drop rate of the carved Prexus totem. Magician Epic ----------------------- - The Path for finding the air essence should last a bit longer. - Magicians will now receive a message when the air essence is not available. Gates of Discord ----------------------- There's a new NPC in Natimbi that will make traveling to Qvic much easier. Speak with her for a small teleport. Tradeskills ----------------------- - Alchemists can now create Amber Resin. - The Feran Glove and Boot recipes will now combine and return their intended items. - The recipe for the 56th level Necromancer spell, Servant of Bones, should now combine correctly. - The Dagger Blade Mold, used in Gates smithing recipes, has been renamed to a Knife Blade Mold. Items ----------------------- - Seething Fists of Slaughter- Previously this item had no equipped slots. This now has primary and secondary equippable slots - Fangs of the Serpent- Previously this item had no equipped slots. This now has primary and secondary equippable slots. - Bone Plated Sledge - This item now has 36% haste instead of +36 atk. - Boots of Shifting Time - Previously these boots had a worn leather graphic. They are now a worn plate graphic instead. - Zulaqua's Cloak - Added 30 AC to this item - Crystal Dagger - This item now has a +12% backstab mod. - Tome of New Beginnings - Berserkers now can equip this item. - Lambent Stone of Focus - This item is now a type 7 and type 8 augmentation. - Crystal Mail Sleeves - This item now has berserkers as usable classes. We have removed Beastlords from this items usable classes. AAs ----------------------- Altered Spell Casting Reinforcement and Spell Casting Reinforcement Mastery so they will no longer increase the duration of the following spells. - Flame of Redemption - Hawk Strike - Fateseer's Boon - Protection of the Eye - Savage Wildcaller's Blessing - Flames of the Valiant - Falcon Strike - Prophet's Gift of the Ruchu - Aegis of Abstraction - Might of the Wild Spirits - Altered Healing Adept, Advanced Healing Adept, and Healing Adept Mastery so they will no longer increase the healing of the following spells. - Harmonic Balance - Divine Balance Misc ----------------------- - Added a new option to turn off the loading screen when zoning. You will still see the progress bar. - Added a new shadow command to allow you to turn off the shadows in your text bar. The command is /shadow - Changed the Dynamic Zone window to show player status in the member list. Online players are yellow, Link Dead players are red, Offline players are blue. - Hide / Sneak will now remain active across zone lines. - All NPCs in Omens of War expedition zones are now KOS. Beware! - Summoned pets will no longer vanish when their owner uses invisibility! Rejoice! - Vallon Zek should no longer assist Tallon Zek. The Rogues Hour! ----------------------- RA Salvatore presents a brand new series of EverQuest fantasy novels. Explore the ever-expanding world of Norrath in the first book, EverQuest: The Rogue's Hour, available in stores soon. -- The EverQuest Team


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Non Poofing Pets
# Oct 14 2004 at 9:42 AM Rating: Good
64 posts
Recent Update

- Summoned pets no longer vanish when their owner turns invisible

Note 1 - Pet assist does NOT make you visible if you are stealthed. I haven't checked to see if a non see-invis mob will aggro on you when pet dies. Has anyone?

Note 2 - How many mages feel SO much safer running around invis now :)

# Oct 13 2004 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
- All NPCs in Omens of War expedition zones are now KOS. Beware!

That's gonna make invising through the murk lair a pain. Oh well, it probably needed to happen, I'm just lazy ;)
TZ and VZ
# Oct 13 2004 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
Vallon Zek should no longer assist Tallon Zek.

Thank God!!!
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