Friday Feature/Tuesday Tip

Here is this week's Tuesday Tip!
    Village of Aurilia Crafting Quest Tip If you are working on the Village of Aurilia quests trying to gather the required resources, you can either try to slay the Sith Shadows OR instead, you can wheel and deal with other players doing the village quests. There are players who will be working to finish a harvesting quest during the same phase who you can trade with to acquire the resources.
Due to the length of last week's Friday Feature it can be found by reading on. Friday Feature: Part I The first part of the Friday Feature is a series of pics of the Lady Luck luxury yacht that will be awarded to veteran players. Friday Feature: Part II Some of our more curious community members have discovered the screenshots of the SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000, but we also have some history and behind the scenes information to accompany the scrrenshots. Kurt "Thunderheart" Stangl Community Relations Manager Friday Feature: Part III For today's Friday Feature, we also have a 360 degree screenshot for Lok! (Make sure you give it a few minutes to update the images) Have a great weekend! Kurt "Thunderheart" Stangl Community Relations Manager Friday Feature: Part IV Last, but not least, we have a 360 degree screenshot for Endor! (Make sure you give it a few minutes to update the images) Have a great weekend! Kurt "Thunderheart" Stangl Community Relations Manager Thunderheart Q&A Hey TH, can we put vendors in ships? I think that would be cool for the bar when I open up my buisness.
    Yes, you can put furniture and anything else you could place in a player structure on the ground. You can only launch one multiplayer ship at a time though and you can only have "stuff" in one multiplayer ship at a time. So If you are flying around in your YT-1300 and want to land and Head out on the Yacht, you will have to empty the first vehicle of all it's items. Otherwise players would load up both ships and it would lead to a lot of dead database space.
You lost me on this one...let me see if this is correct. I have the yacht and I have it decorated and I own a imperial shuttle with nothing in it. I can't launch the imperial shuttle as long as the yacht has items in it???
So we have a ship we can decorate, but if we want to run missions or anything else we have to take out all decorations and find another place to store stuff? As if storage isnt enough of an issue now. I hope you have the asbestos undies handy. Rereading a bit...maybe this means you can leave deco in one multiplayer ship and still use a fighter w/o undecorating?
    This is also correct - - this rule applies to multiplayer vehicles only.
I am assuming that the Yacht will be rewarded specifically by account age. So does this mean if i delete my main character on my account that has been active since 6-26-03 to say make an ithorian, will i still have get my yacht?
    Yes, it is based on account age and not character age.
Hey TH, can we put vendors in ships? I think that would be cool for the bar when I open up my buisness.
    Just a follow up on two items - - Vendors will not be allowed in space. Sorry, but there are technical limitations. There are also technical limitations with having more than one multiplayer vehicle decorated at the same time. That won't be possible. I wish it were different, but it can't be. Sorry.
Oh well. I'd hoped that was an easy fix. I guess we'll just have to pick our favorite ship and stick with it for now. Thanks for looking into it and letting us know.
    Thanks. I wish I had a better answer, but the technology just isn't there yet (in general). The hard decisions here were driven by technical concerns and development challenges.
What are the people complaining wanting in this ship exactly? (pls tell) I'm happy using it as a spectator ship TH next beta phase needs some more information like if pre-odering is the only way in?
    If you want into beta, you should be registered. As has been said, JtL Ships at the end of October. The Pre-Order Beta Pack is most likely going to be the last phase of beta.
Hello TH, are we obliged to preorder Jump to Lightspeed from GameStop or Electronics Boutique to get theNaboo Flash Speeder? Because in Canada shipping fees are just insane TY.
    Yes, these are the only two outlets, but it should be available in their stores as well as online. If it helps, I know that there are EB's just across the Niagara River
And the final section of this post is list of JTL facts posted by Thunderheart!
    A couple of more important points I uncovered today: * you can have 3 ships of any kind in your datapad * This point of treating it [Lady Luck luxury yacht] “as normal” will keep the door open for expanding the role of the Lux Yacht in the future, too. Kurt "Thunderheart" Stangl Community Relations Manager


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