October 28, 2004

SOE brings us yet another In-Live Update!
    ****Patch Notes -- Version 103781.103816****
    October 28, 2004
    Joystick * Add external option to disable force feedback in game * Fix force feedback on joysticks other than the first * Fix joystick selection to work for joysticks other than the first Improve client stability UI * Fixed /attack and /stand no longer appearing in the combat queue. Missions * Moved Tatooine Imperial tier 1 duty missions to safer locations. * The Tier 2 Bwing should only be a boss mob for the Corellia Imperial tier 1 destroy duty Loot * Fixed an issue with loot drop rates Player Associations * PA halls will now consume only 7 lots instead of 9. If your PA halls are existing, then this change will take effect after you pay maintenance


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