Garva's Galactic Home Show

This week's Home Show takes us aboard a personalized YT-1300!
    It may not look like much, but its got it where it counts! DarkProspero | Mois'ei Y'ulya | Kettemoor Well as the title says, it may not look like much but it looks like just enough and fits very well for the type of ship. I particularly like the bunkbeds in the crews quarters and the kitchen (I mean afterall even a pilot's gotta eat!). Gonna have to get master Pilot so I can whip me up something like this. OH before I forget here is his inspiration: I was recently asked to decorate a YT1300 for a crew of 4. The close quarters make it a real challenge. The crew will be able to hit space for months at a time in this little number. GARvA SWG Community Relations Representative Galactic Home Show


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