Upcoming Player Tools

The devs have released word of a multitude of in-game tools for players! Here are the details!
    Player Event Perks Every week there are a many player-run events held across the galaxy. These events can be anything from PvP tourneys and role-playing events to murder mysteries or dance parties. To help players more easily run these events, the Event Team has been working on some special tools and perks that will soon appear on Test Center. Be aware that some options and perks may change between Test Center and live. Click here to read more about the Player Event Perks Group Friendly Looting In November 2004 a focus thread was created asking your opinions for group looting and how it should work. Based upon your feedback we have incorporated some of these changes and posted what changes we were going to make. We then took the design internally once again to make more requested changes and now feel comfortable that you will enjoy the new group friendly looting changes. Click here to read all about "Group Friendly Looting" Galaxy-Wide Vendor Search Have you ever wanted to search for an item to buy without having to travel across the entire planet randomly checking vendors? Well now you can! We have enhanced the functionality of our bazaar terminals to include the ability to search all player vendors for items you may be looking for. This new feature will greatly improve how vendors are handled in the game. Click here for more information.


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