Patch Notes for May 18, 2005

EverQuest patch message for May 18, 2005: ============================================ *** Spells *** ---------------------------------- - With the last patch, we made a change to the way that intoxication effects work so you are no longer completely immune to them if you have maximum alcohol tolerance. Instead, you now mitigate the effects based on your alcohol tolerance skill. Due to this change, intoxication effects have been reduced or removed from a number of detrimental NPC spells where they would now cause the encounters to be more difficult than intended. - Storm Guard and Frost Shield now have 60 minute durations. - Increased the range on Kessdona's Roar. *** Missions *** ---------------------------------- - Skrepiz Plaguebringer will now only appear when you have completed all previous requirements in the Rise of Marnek mission. - If you are on the mission to Unrest, Nisha Lightbrook will now respond to your first hail instead of requiring two hails for a response. - You will no longer be able to loot the notes for the Hate's Fury mission out of order. *** Items *** ---------------------------------- - Gloves of Wicked Ambition now have +5 to stun resist, +6 to dot shield, and +2 to mana regen. - Mirrored Mask now has a type 8 augmentation slot, by request. Now players can bind a focus augment to the item if they wish. - Gem of the Spring Wind from the good DoN camp is now named "Shard of the Spring Wind" and is now a type 7 and 8 augmentation. *** Alternate Abilities *** ---------------------------------- - Raised the cap on AA's so that those people who were maxed out can receive all of their Vet rewards. - The shape changing effects of the Jester of Bristlebane will now disappear after 10 minutes. *** Code *** ---------------------------------- Windows 98/ME: - Users with these operating systems should no longer experience the bug where there UI renders but the 3D scene does not when they first enter the game. -- The EverQuest Team


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Slow Graphics Fix!!!
# May 23 2005 at 8:46 AM Rating: Excellent
286 posts
I finally found the source of the slow window opening issue. About two weeks ago, my antivirus software updated itself, and now it seems to be conflicting with EQ.exe. I was using AVG antivirus, a freeware package that up until now had no confilcts. I tried to simply disable AVG but there was no improvement. After a full uninstall, zoning into POK went from ~72 sec to ~19 sec, and the individual windows open almost instantly. I did an in-game report with my findings, so I hope SOE looks into this. I plan on trying another a-v package; not a good idea to leave the kimono open. I hope this helps some of you out.
Graphics Problem
# May 19 2005 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
I, too, have been having the lag with anything regarding opening containers (inventory, backpack, etc) and casting spells (because a spell cast window opens and closes with every cast. Has anyone found a fix for this yet? It is most annoying.
Graphics Problem?
# May 19 2005 at 7:18 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
After the patch, my system is really laggy anytime I execute a command requiring graphics. Opening my inventory (or any other window), casting a spell, even placing something on my cursor causes a full second lag. Is anyone else having this problem? I have tried to dumb down my graphics requirements but no change, and yes I'm operating under ME, so I have a seeking suspicion the the 'fix' once again caused more problems than it fixed!
RE: Graphics Problem?
# May 20 2005 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
Just a follow up post. I upgraded my graphics drivers (NVIDIA GEForce series), but no improvement. And to add insult to injury, I logged on the toon that I discovered the error with and after +10 hours of inactivity (account not logged on at all) I had the same low hits and mana that I had when I camped. If I didn't know better (and I don't) I'd say some programmer was using and old version of the code and accidentally nerfed the whole game back about 3 months... but that just my opinion.
RE: Graphics Problem?
# May 19 2005 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
I'm having the same problem, I use xp though. Takes about a second to open inventory, or cast a spell
RE: Graphics Problem?
# May 19 2005 at 9:04 AM Rating: Default
Yes. I use Win98se and after last weeks "improvements" I have lag opening the new vendor windows, doing tradeskill combines, sending tells, and just about everywhere. It has made the game very sluggish in general for me.
The vendor windows open and the contents come up in sections over a second or two. When I do tradeskills, clicking the combine button sometimes seems to "hang-up" but eventually works. I never had anywhere near these kind of lag problems before their latest "improvements".

Edited, Thu May 19 10:05:05 2005
The forgot something
# May 18 2005 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
I think they missed a update - the 66 pally heal nerf - apparently it dropped a few HPS... Might be a bug, might be a ninja nerf.

Edited, Wed May 18 23:19:18 2005
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