More War Visuals

Here are some more screenshots of the ongoing war. These are user-submitted, keep them coming! Email any related screenshots you have to and we will see about putting them up.
From Wutlaan Dranktoomuch, Warriors of Eternal Night Guild, Maelin / Vazaelle Server: war-2.jpg Orc Battle Lines
From Aegishopi, Paladin of Stromm Server: war-4.jpg Ready for a Strike
From Maszaak of Povar Server: war-3.jpg Charge!
From Snaketail Hasloadeddice, Legends of Mystic Heroes Guild, Drinal Server: war-1.jpg The Attack is On


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ninja looting
# Jul 22 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Default
ON Firiona Vie we don't have trouble with ninja looters because when the mob dies we can loot it right away and then loot. You guys who have problems with that should just come over to our server.

Edited, Fri Jul 22 13:58:18 2005
Suck it Up
# Jul 18 2005 at 11:00 PM Rating: Decent
I don't understand why everyone gets so aggravated when it comes to Ninja looting. One, it's just a game, and I know some people put a lot of time into the game, and to just have someone run through and grab some loot that just took you hours of hard work sucks, but its a game, get over it. Two, its your own damn fault, if its no drop listen to fhrugby, if u can pick it up, don't let it sit on the corpse and then watch someone run by and grab it while you sit there and whine and complain, pick it up then roll. Make the game more fun and not serious, stop makin so many damn rules to be obeyed and what makes the game fair and not fair.

I am a level 65 guild leader and have lead my guild to participate in the current events, and so far in our experience we have had several encounters with "Ninja" looters, in each encounter, without any angry confrontation, we have recruited 2 new people and got the item back from 1 of the 2 not recruited. Solve problems, dont go running to the GM with tears rollin down your damn cheeks.
see invis??
# Jul 18 2005 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
Mobs see invis??
Acknowledging the Ninja Looters
# Jul 14 2005 at 9:46 AM Rating: Default
I would like to take this time to acknowledge the "Ninja" looters on Cazic-Thule.
You get three raid forces working out a fair plan of attack so everyone has a shot at the named mobs, and their drops, and suddenly you have untagged people training mobs to you while engaged in combat, then zoning and coming back and looting named mobs corpses while raids are dealing with crowd control<aka: killing mobs>.

Yea, I know have someone lock corpse, not a wise idea if all have agro of some sort.

To the Dwarf from D.O.A. I hope you can use what ever it was you looted, JERK!
It truely ruins a gaming experience to work out a protocal and have two or three people who do not work well or play well with others come and steal the fruits of your labors.

Maybe SoE could put a second lock timer on corpses. One for those authorized to loot, a second one for those in raid to loot to clear corpses and the last one with just one minute left for the wandering ninja looter.
Mob dies with thirty minute timer.
Corpse locked, so anyone but those named on loot list can loot (90 seconds), corpse goes open to raid to allow whom ever wins roll/spends dkp's for for another 1650 seconds(27minutes 30 seconds), giving ninja looters a chance at what ever is left 90 seconds.
RE: Acknowledging the Ninja Looters
# Jul 18 2005 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
Same problem on Prexus while this was going on. We had a small raid set up against the wall just notrth of the felwithe zone in pulling captains up to kill. While raid was standing over the mob rolling (or bust for not locking it down, but give me a break stand all around the damn thing rolling) a druid runs up loots then runs for zone.

Also had another idiot train us then run PoK and start bragging about it in OOC.

After /petition and verication from several present the ninja looter was stripped of the book and it was given to the rightfully winner by a GM (WOOT! SOE finally on the ball).

As to the other idiot, well that's another story...

Edited, Mon Jul 18 09:02:12 2005
RE: Acknowledging the Ninja Looters
# Jul 14 2005 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
we had problems on bristlebane with people ninja lewtings, a lvl 17 mage ninja lewted a bow that wasnt usable by him and was no drop, a lvl ?? ranger ninja lewted a mage item that wasnt usable by him and was no drop, these items were all rolled on btw and were owned by people when these ninjas lewted them ...
RE: Acknowledging the Ninja Looters
# Jul 15 2005 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
There were problems with ninja looters all over, but to their defense the named were rottign all over the place from killing each other, and it could be hard to distinquish whether the coprse was rotting due to raid rolling or due to the war. Of course alot of ninja looters knew full well what they were doing. You should have figured a way to have someone sit in loot on the coprse knowing how many people were around looting everything.

The ninja who took stuff that was not usable by them were complete idiots. Also what Mag item droped? If its the Insignia of the Faydark Defenders its usable by all.

On my server there was a group who would have their ranger sit on top of a corpse they did not get loot rights for in wolf form, after the others in group had targeted it, so that if someone came by and tried to loot as timer was nearing loot all time they would repeatingly con the ranger instead of looting. I was one of the others that wandered by. That must of worked well for them because they only did for less than an hour, I guess they got all they wanted.

Edited, Fri Jul 15 11:56:47 2005
RE: Acknowledging the Ninja Looters
# Jul 29 2005 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
that would be it, but was still rolled for and owned by the person who was about to loot the corpse when he got the "this corpse is being looted by someone else message" then corpse poofed and ranger was gondie )
# Jul 14 2005 at 8:54 AM Rating: Default
the war on storm is also broken... it just stopped one day all the mobs are up but you can not attack them..
my guild killed the general 3 or 4 times and then he was not attackable and would not attack you.. and non of the named would...
none of the DE's drop any loots at all just rusty swords.. and the event in Inn swamp also seems to be broken..

thank Sony for making these events then keeping them broken
lol how do we tell it's over?
# Jul 14 2005 at 8:27 AM Rating: Good
113 posts
lmao Seventh just had everything end abruptly. One of the guilds killed the Warlord Mish when he was engageable, and withheld links to what he dropped lmao I hate soe of the people on that server.

There was no text at that end of the battle. Was there supposed to be?
Luclin war is in full swing in Greater Faydark
# Jul 14 2005 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
Be very careful taking the PoK portal book. The mobs are very close to the book and sometimes overrun it. I ported in, ran about 20 feet and was jumped by 3 'a ranger'. I took a DD of 750, then a huge flurry of 238s. I was dead in less than 1 sec. I did not even have a chance to hit my key board.

So much for having a look around. I suggest you be in a strong group as you port in. And yes, I know that my 54 Ranger is a bite too low for the war, but I still wanted to have a look around.

A real nice 45% haste belt was dropping. Required lvl 60, recommended 65. Lots of good stats on it too. It is definitely 'THE' item to get. Sorry I don't know the name of it, something like Roughspun cord of the Defenders of Faydark.

Also there are no faction hits killing the mobs durng the war, or so I was told.
War is bugged
# Jul 14 2005 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent
The War on Drinal is bugged now :( SoE needs to fix it
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