EQRankings Announcement

Ventrix from EQRankings has this message to the EverQuest community. Where do you stand on your server? ======================================================= Greetings Fellow Norrathians! Have you ever wanted to see where you stand amongst the other thousands of EverQuest players out there? Have you ever wondered exactly how many other people on your server have a Manastone? Now you can know the answers to all of this and more! Please allow us to introduce you to our website, EQRankings.com. EQRankings.com allows you to search through players with Magelo profiles that have been submited to our database. You can search for specific classes, races and virtually any other character statistic you can think of. You can sort through our player database by order of statistics such as HP & Mana or find a class specific Master Tradeskiller with ease. You can also search for users with a specific item, with the ability to filter the results by server & much more. We also offer several utilities for guilds; You can easily register your guild on EQRankings free of charge so your members can show off their guild tags. We also offer a premium guild service which allows you to use EQRankings as your official guild roster, publicly display your guilds progression and display your current recruitment needs. We have recently reorganized our website and have added many new features, We currently have approximately 70,000 profiles submitted into our database. That's 70,000 charaacters that you can search through! So please, stop on by and submit your profiles today to find out where you rank! (and much more!) Thank you for your time and have a great day! -The EQRankings Team ======================================================= * EQRankings can be found at http://www.eqrankings.com.


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A fine by for my couple dollars
# Aug 26 2005 at 10:00 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts
I didn't mind that they wanted a couple dollars of mine for their time and service. It isn't like it is recurring, it is one time per character. Hardly gonna break me in half.

Also, they do a lot of work to keep their website up to date, current, and accurate. It is an excellent site to see who is doing what, how, and with what. They try their best to keep people from making a junk toon just to talk trash or be stupid. They continue to improve their site with effort, and that should be rewarded.

You can look up other toons your lvl and class, and see what they are up to. You can see what guilds are progressing, moving up on the big mobs, and head that way if you would like. EQrankings is kind of like the scorebox on a recent football game. You can look at the stats, you may not know the whole game story of each play, but you get the big picture.

I find the biggest advantage to this site is not so much as bragging rights, but you can see some gear you may not know about, then log onto Alla and find out where it came from. It gives me some gear goals that no other site does. I can essentially inspect peeps toons, see what they have, see where they got it, and plan my next move to get one myself. Invaluable.

I use the site a lot, and therefore I expect to at least offer some meager semblence of compensation for the guys who made it possible.
EQRankings a sinking ship
# Aug 18 2005 at 11:39 AM Rating: Excellent
53 posts
I really agree with the other people posting here. EQRankings has been very cool for years. Since they disabled autoupdate a couple weeks ago, though, their lists are already so out of synch with real EQ that it's just... not what it was. Within a month they'll be dead, rendered useless by their own greed.

Autosync was the wrong thing to make into a "premium" feature. It is the core functionality. Simply, their service has no value at all without it. It's not just slackers and freeloaders who suffer by not getting their most current data up there. The result is that even the people that pay don't get anything worth having, because the lists are so horribly out of date.

Ventrix "and his staff" need to rethink their Premium service -fast-, before their play for a piece of the online gaming dollar just sinks the site entirely. Guild features and especially the Search functions (hello-oo, examples already there on Alla's and Magelo and every other gaming site) are prime candidates for Premium services. The way to go premium is not by rendering the site inoperable, but to add enhancements for supporters.

I pay for Allakhazam's and Magelo Premium memberships. The value on services returned is excellent and I'm very happy to support the work their respective admins do. In my opinion, any gamer who can spare the $12 (that's two combo meals at a fast food restaurant)(for a YEAR of upgraded service) should spring for Magelo membership. Gold badges ftw~, great website & service.


I'm not even considering paying for EQRankings, which costs even less, unless/until they put back their free updating service. The only thing dumber than a data organizing and ranking service that uses outdated data... is to be a customer paying for that service.

Edited, Thu Aug 18 12:38:40 2005
RE: EQRankings a sinking ship
# Aug 19 2005 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent

Pretty sure you can still update your magelo on eqrankings for free by submitting it again. Pretty simple, tho I did dump a couple of bucks cause I am lazy.

RE: EQRankings a sinking ship
# Aug 18 2005 at 2:31 PM Rating: Default
Brohg great post and great points.

I could not agree more.

However; I must say that I only picked up Magelo to join a raid guild. That is one subscription I will not be renewing. The Magelo Profile page is just the worst. What is up with the scroll bars and two little boxes for information? Come on guys you telling me it would kill Magelo to fill up all that open space so I do not have to click a bunch of buttons and scroll down that tiny box to see some stats?
Oh and before one of you calls me lazy just remember who is the one paying for a service.

EQRankings- will have the same top 20 of each class paying for a little lime light. Bottom line is the rest of us dont really care if Joe Blow is ranked we just want someone who knows how to heal in a group.

I will take a SKILLED Cleric ranked #98 over a #5 ranked boxed Cleric account that has been passed around more then a joint at a biker rally.

EQRankings tells me nothing about who is at the keyboard and no amount of gear helps the I.Q. of someones little brother tapping on keys while watching Pimp my Ride, talking dirty to his girlfriend on the cell phone and sending /tells to his buddies when he should be playing the game. 10k mana pool you say, thats nice Junior but do you know how to heal a group with adds and not draw agro?

When EQRankings can show me how many people die when grouped with #5 vs #98 per week or how many times did Ranger #17 go AFK last week Is when they will get my $$ Cash.
RE: EQRankings a sinking ship
# Aug 28 2005 at 9:43 PM Rating: Decent
Hmm well I am #5 on my server (soon to be 4) and a cleric to boot. So if you want to know how many people die while grouped with me you will need to be more specific. You asking about during a CoA raid? A Tacvi raid? Or something easier?
And in groups ya mean DoNs? or RSS?
Hell Iam known for my rezzes not my heals. :)

J/K really though I htink it is a great service. Lets ya know where ya stand and lets ya see what gear is out there. Not everyone can be inthe top 25 or 50 and can only see the gear at the top end by looing at those wearing it. This is much better, safer and les rude then tracking down everyone and inspecting them.
And to tell the truth $3 will not break me for them to hold the info and combine it with my magelo so it has auto updates. And magelo is not bad at $12 a year either for all it does. Even without the link to eqrankings, magelo is well worth the cost. And if you don;'t wish to pay it is still free but you will have to update it by hand.
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 18 2005 at 1:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Yer an idiot, they are just saying you don't have to manually update EQRankings. What you would pay for is the autosync to your dumb magello so you don't have to manually put in a 5 digit number and hit update on EQrankings. People like you sux cause your more of a problem/pain/complaining/whining (&%*&^$&$.
RE: EQRankings a sinking ship
# Aug 19 2005 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
53 posts
Actually, what I'm saying is that of the 2500 profiles that EQRankings parses, only several hundred (optimistically. probably much less than that) will stay current. The issue isn't where I fit in the rankings, but whether or not the rankings themselves are worth comparing against. Clearly, the more out of date and incorrect their information is (already pretty bad, and getting worse by the hour since autosync became "premium"), the less value their service holds.

I'll reiterate: the way they've chosen to implement their pay service robs the entire project of any worth. Their Premium Membership, instead of adding value to the product, makes the product valueless.

I may "sux", but not for reasons of being a smart consumer. Perhaps this isn't a disctinction you've encountered before, but informed analysis is quite different from whining.
RE: EQRankings a sinking ship
# Aug 31 2005 at 10:21 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, lots are out of date. as for a solution to it? Hmm maybe only allow prem's to get listed on eqrankings? Would cut down on the fake magelo's also. Who knows, I guess we will just have to sit back and see what it is like this time next month.

As for you sux'ing. As long as you play the best you can and your gear is what everyone else you play with has then let no one bad mouth ya.

I am #4 now but I do not feel anyone under me sux. I feel fortunate to have been lucky enough to join great guilds that were at the top. Doesn't make me better just luckier. :)
# Aug 17 2005 at 10:11 PM Rating: Default
You can get a Magelo profile at www.magelo.com and its free of charge.
# Aug 17 2005 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
OK, so where does one get the Magelo done (and its cost)??
RE: Where?
# Aug 17 2005 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
What he doesn't mention
# Aug 17 2005 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
756 posts
If you want to stay auto synced with Magelo, you must pay a fee per char to do so, otherwise you must update your char manually. For his stats to be meaningful, most chars need to be kept up to date. This is not so at the moment and the stats are becoming more and more outdated daily.
RE: What he doesn't mention
# Aug 17 2005 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent
i myself do not pay for the autosync service and i submit my profile everytime i get an upgrade. i think anyone who uses eqrankings.com regularly probably does the same.

RE: What he doesn't mention
# Aug 18 2005 at 12:00 AM Rating: Decent
756 posts
If you choose to do their work for them, and are alright with them charging some people then that's your choice and your right. I choose not to assist them furhter, so only a few of my chars listed show correct stats. Most are now many levels higher and with very much different equipment. I checked one class and one level server wide, and less than half were correct on EQRankings. Only stat fanatics will update on every change of level and piece of equipment, but even they will stop when it becomes apparent that the stats they are comparing to are in no way reflecting reality.

People are inherently lazy, and I'm one of them.
RE: What he doesn't mention
# Aug 18 2005 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
I liked looking at EQRankings to see how my stats were in comparison to other folks, although I really don't have as much interest in comparing the size of my numbers as some folks seem to :) But since I think most folks really won't bother to go keep EQRankings current with every upgrade, I expect it to become more and more irrelevant, at an accelerating rate.
ooo im the first person to post here
# Aug 17 2005 at 8:20 PM Rating: Default
but no seriously...EQrankings...wow....thats really just a way for casual players like me to see how gimp we really are....lol..its like waving candy in front of a diabetic..they want it but they cant have it because they hurt themselves in the process....*puts up anti-rant shield* no rants started from this! PLZ...lol rank it down if u want..BUT NO RANTS!
RE: ooo im the first person to post here
# Aug 18 2005 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
756 posts
LOL, whether Uber or Gimp, it was a fun way to see how you compared with others of your level. I enjoyed looking at what others above me had, then researching to see if it was feasible for me to obtain similar equipment given my playing time and guild strength.

Now, however, the chars listed above you may be "phantoms" as my guild leader calls them. Click on them and see that they are now 1-10 levels higher than EQRankings actually shows.

Our guild still requires us to have an authentic Magelo profile. Magelo's fee allows you to record up to 3 accounts. That can amount to many characters. EQRankings require you to pay for each char you want autosynced. Several of my guildies would be looking at a fee well in excess of $100.00 so have opted out. They, along with me will not manually update EQRankings. In my guild alone, if everyone ceases the manual updates, and it looks like that is going to be the case, then that's over 1,000 chars whose EQRankings stats are wrong.
RE: ooo im the first person to post here
# Aug 18 2005 at 4:37 AM Rating: Decent
Not to dispute any of your statements at all but with several of your guildees looking at a fee in excess of $100 they are all ready paying a crap load for that many accounts on eq.

less then $3 per character 30 characters to use the autosync on eqrankings is still less then $100....personally I don't really see why anyone would want that many of their characters ranked anyway cause unless the ebayed most of them even a hard core player isn't going to have time to play them all.
RE: ooo im the first person to post here
# Aug 18 2005 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
756 posts
I have 2 accounts and dual box on 2 servers regularly. That right there is 32 chars. A handful of those are 70, half are in their 60's and the others are anywhere from late 20's to late 50's. In my guild I'm considered casual, lol. NO ebayed chars here. We have one member who quite regularly 5 boxes and I rate him above many 1 boxers I've played with. No ebayed chars there either. In fact, I'd be very surprised to find an ebayed char in the guild. We've played together for years and a change in personality would be readily recognized.

Be that as it may, paying EQRankings anything to have a script run on someone elses database grates on me. Any first year programming student could easily replicate their scripts. Why Magelo doesn't charge EQRankings is beyond me.

If I had the rime, I'd set up my own service combining Magelo and EQRankings on one site. I can easily get free hosting approved on our office servers and several of the staff already play EQ, so.......

I happily pay Magrlo for their fine service. They do the work, EQRankings just leaches off that work.
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