Login Server Maintenance

On Tuesday, January 29th, at 1AM PST, (9AM GMT), the Login Server will be brought down for scheduled maintenance. No new logins will be allowed during this downtime however those already in game will not be affected and should be able to play normally. The estimated downtime is 30 minutes. The EverQuest Operations Team


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Load time improved a little
# Jan 29 2002 at 8:16 AM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
Got in and the load in time was better than it has been this last week. Anyone else notice the improvement?

Me too
# Jan 29 2002 at 6:23 AM Rating: Default
Yah I managed to fluke in too, logged out to come here and post that the server was up, and now cant log in again. I think it just let me in by accident (

They are now at 2 1/2 hours of patching instead of thirty minutes, sigh (
Spoke too soon
# Jan 29 2002 at 6:09 AM Rating: Default
My other machine made it in but got thru char screen still not in game and this machine could not get in after all(. Oh well good idea(.
back up
# Jan 29 2002 at 5:57 AM Rating: Default
still down
# Jan 29 2002 at 5:50 AM Rating: Default
Very frustrating, could not sleep jut wanting to slip down and play a bit now almost 3 PST and t still down. Does get very old. Looking at guild magic I realized we have had our guild lose almost half its members in the last month due to folks switching to DAOC, i prefer eq but it is getting to be a bit ridiculous.
RE: still down
# Jan 29 2002 at 5:54 AM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
I tried to log in as well and no go. Guess I will go to bed, or play DAoC. I have them both, that way when one isn't working the way I want, I play the other.

/offers a beer to all

Enough's enough
# Jan 29 2002 at 5:38 AM Rating: Default
I agree with the above statement. I am finding myself playin EQ less and less due to all the downtime. I is almost pointless to start a times quest or an epic that involves a timeframe due to the rediculous amount of time being taken from us paying costomers bye an obvious need for more employees or more updated servers. Well this is one unsatisfied costomer who has taken enough abuse from Verant. Do they really think that they can keep paying costomers in the dark or frustrated waiting for neverending patches on Neverquest? Not me i say! I am cancelling my account. The frustration is not worth it. Yes it is a fun game and i did get some fun out of it. But there are a lot of alternatives to this neverending line of frustrating patches. DOAC is one, Diablo2 is another.

GOODBYE NEVERQUEST and good riddance!
Login Maintainence
# Jan 29 2002 at 5:30 AM Rating: Default
Its now 2:31am PST. And it still will not let me or my next door neighbour log in. Do you guys think that if your going to be longer than estimated you could do a service to your customers, who are paying you to maintain this service, and inform them within a reasonable (less than 1 hour) time period that there will be a delay. Im not quite sure what is wrong with this companies concept of customer service, but it is very frustrating for people who are paying for this product that is normally unavailable 3 days of the week, most offen also unavailable for far far longer than is estimated. It is obvious that you are having staffing difficulties if you are unable to provide an estimate that is closer than it will be down for somewhere between half an hour and four days. I would recommend that you consider firing whoever's bright idea this was, because you no longer are without competition and unless you improve your service your are going to find that your a patching to an audience of one.
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