AA Titles: Do You Want One?

Have you seen the new titles that some people are sporting in front of their names, like Baron and Master? It seems there has been a bit of a controvery arising from these alternate advanced titles. These names cannot be turned off, you, yourself can turn off all of them and not have to view them, but it will always be there to others. The posts in the following link tell of one person who wishes to remain with one name only as a trademark, and another who's name is Bahter, chooses NOT to be called Master--I am sure you can see why. But in the end, getting rid of the title will be a rare occurance and only on certain naming violations. This is not yet been implemented. Read the posts here. ***edit: After reading all of the posts by Bahter, I decided to add it here. Greetings everyone. My name is Bahter, 56th level Magician on Fennin Ro. I am posting here to ask for a bit of support from the EQ community as a whole. As you know with the SoL expansion players were granted titles that were displayed as a prefix in front of your name. As casters we get the titles Baron, Master and finally Sage. We never asked for this but its here like it or not. Then this happens... I was contacted in game by a guide who told me out of the blue that My name was fine whilst I was a Baron, but when I reach the archetype AA skill level the name Bahter will not be acceptable because I will have the prefix "Master" placed in front of my name making me Master Bahter. He told me I have untill then to think of a new name at which point it will be changed and if I dont come forwards with a new name it will be changed for me to one they choose. This was a joke surely ? But no. It was no joke and the guide was serious. I objected to this as politely as I could and he directed me to the Fennin Ro main GM via customer services as he would discuss it no further. Ok, so last night I spent over 40 mins on the phone in a transatlantic call to the customer service dept trying to get this sorted out by just kept getting passed from person to person, all of whom told me that this was a bad and unfair decision and they were sure that the GM's would not do this to me. I was told to send a brief email to an address they game me which I did whilst on the phone to them. This morning I recieved this in my email. ========================================== Greetings Nicholas, I am afraid to say that yes indeed once you reach that level it will be a violation of our policies. We cannot allow a name that has such a strong sexual connotation to remain. Once you reach that level you will need the name changed. So please think of a new name before you reach that level. Chris Phillips Game Master Teldarian Sony Online Entertainment, cphillips@soe.sony.com soe.sony.com ============================================== Then as a follow up I got this: ============================================== Greetings Nicholas, I apologise for any confusion it appears I forgot to mention one thing in my previous email. This change can be done as a temporary change until you hit the Sensei level and then your original name can be returned. I do apologise for the inconvienence. Also two characters on your account have had thier names changed Puspus and Ispie were both changed because they violate the naming policy. You can if you like let me know a new name for them and I will change them to what you like. I look forward to your response. Chris Phillips Game Master Teldarian Sony Online Entertainment, cphillips@soe.sony.com soe.sony.com ================================================= Oh Ill be allowed to have the name Bahter back in a year when I reach the last title of Sensie level will I ? Well thats ok then, Ill just change my name for a year. This person doesnt even appear to know what the titles are, casters will become a Sage not a sensei. I have 90 days played on Bahter without a single warning or bad mark against my account and I never asked for this (stupid) title that they are going to give me. The two other characters they have changed are luckily only dispensible mules and lvl 1 both of them. Ispie was a name the random name genorator gave me on the character creation pageafter about 20 attempts to get a random name accepted, and I have to be honest I really dont see how calling a feline character puspus violates the naming policy in any way. I dont know wether to laugh or cry. I am really mad about this, everybody knows me as Bahter and I dont see why this should be done to me now after all this time because they decided to improve my enjoyment of the by giving me the prefix of "Master". There must be another answer than to just take away my name. I really dont know what to think about this right now, other than I will fight this decision. Please keep all replies to this polite and constuctive and please dont let it turn into a flame and abuse verant thread. I wish to link the various board threads together to help my cause and if people just post abuse it wont help me at all. Here is the original thread at the Safehouse.


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