Producer's Letter - November 3, 2005

EverQuest producer Craig Knapp sounds off on a number of issues ranging from Depths of Darkhollow loot to the recent Community Summit to the Escape to Norrath trial. As on EQLive: ======================================= Greetings everyone, I hope this letter finds everyone well in the world of Norrath and hopefully you are all enjoying EverQuest's 10th expansion, Depths of Darkhollow. DoD is an expansion our team has looked forward to for a long time and is something we are extremely proud of. Since release, we've had a great time playing through the content and we have truly enjoyed Monster Missions. For us, it was a labor of love that really paid off. Our team represents a large range of play-styles and level ranges so it's an excellent opportunity for us to jump on our main characters and group with folks outside of our regular crew. Expect a few new Monster Missions coming your way in this month and a steady dose of Monster Missions after that. For those of you progressing through DoD, we are watching. We've got a close eye on Dreadspire and I'd like wish you the best of luck (you'll need it). My only advice is to make sure you have your sound cranked up when you reach the end, it could give you some hints about the future of Norrath. :) We have many fond memories from developing the Depths of Darkhollow expansion and we hope you will have just as many playing through it. In fact, we're pretty sure you will. :) Community Summit Shortly after the DoD release, our team was fortunate enough to have close to two dozen EverQuest community members come out and meet us in San Diego for the Community Summit. The attendees represented a broad range of our players, giving us a solid cross-section of the EQ community to discuss concerns and ideas with. As always, being able to meet with players and discuss our passions about EverQuest (or any of the other dozens of things our conversations digress into) is something we always look forward to. Now, on to some specifics. Loot Concerns One of the major topics at the community summit and on the boards was DoD loot. Over the past month we've spent a significant amount of time evaluating and re-evaluating some of the loot drops that were tied to DoD. After a lot of number crunching, discussions, and some heated arguments :), we've decided to make some significant changes to the power level of non-raid gear in DoD. These changes are going to more closely reflect the advancement in power levels that have been seen across other play-styles. These modifications are going to be on Test in the near future so I'd encourage all of you to check them out. Hacks and Exploits As any developer will tell you, we get into this industry because we enjoy games and we enjoy making them. That is why I dislike even having to mention hacks and exploits, but it is a reality that needs to be addressed. As many of you know, we've spent a significant amount of time on our reporting systems to detect various hacks and exploits. The end result will provide a really positive impact. For example, without the reporting tools, we took action on over 1,000 accounts during the month of October. Although that number may seem high, the numbers generated by our reporting tools are considerably higher. These tools are currently limited to generating reports, but we are rapidly approaching a time where these will be used in a more robust manner. I won't go into detail, but I'd like to encourage anyone playing outside the natural boundaries of EverQuest to get back in those boundaries. Whatever advancement these exploits provide to individuals is not worth the damage that it does to the EverQuest community. Consider this fair warning. Summit Wrap-up The summit was extremely productive and we got a lot of great feedback on all of the topics that came up. There were countless discussions at meals or at various activities that are too numerous to list, but I did want to leave you all with a list of things that we are planning to do in the near future or have already done as a result of the summit: Add a slash command that allows players to toggle displaying their helm Add a new filter option on the guild bank to narrow your search Add a "guildbank" argument to the /outputfile command, allowing a player to dump the guild bank to disk Add the ability to withdraw items from the Guild Bank deposit area Allow cross zone raid invites Significant modifications to DoD loot Broader action against exploiters and hackers I strongly believe that our role as developers is to provide an entertaining game, but also to support the thriving EverQuest community. The best way to accomplish both of these goals is to work closely together, so thanks to everyone who sent along comments and questions with the representatives on the boards. Escape to Norrath With DoD, we also released our free trial, Escape to Norrath. This release gives new (and existing) players the ability to play EverQuest up to level 10 with no credit card or subscription required. In fact, all you need is a station Station account. This is a great opportunity for friends and family to give EverQuest a whirl for free and fall in love with EverQuest like we all did. There is no expiration date on the trial and players can use the "Subscribe to EverQuest" option on the EQ Menu button to move their character to the server of their choice. Existing players are also welcome to play on the Escape server and it's an excellent opportunity to show some newbies the ropes around the EverQuest community. To play, simply use the EscapetoNorrath.exe found in your EverQuest directory (C:/Program Files/Sony/EverQuest by default). EverQuest has been independently nominated to the Metreon Walk of Game! We're thrilled to be included in such a prestigious list of nominees that honor the icons and pioneers of the videogame industry. The votes are still being tallied (voting closed 10/31), but there is no doubt that EverQuest is a pioneer in the MMOG industry and to be recognized by the technology, entertainment, and gaming media with a nomination is its own reward. This nomination is a tribute to the EverQuest community and to all the players that have come to love the game since we launched in 1999. We can never say often enough how appreciative we are of our community. Without our community this nomination wouldn't have been possible so please feel free to step forward and take a bow. :) See you in-game! Craig


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Monster mission nerf!
# Nov 08 2005 at 3:59 AM Rating: Decent
I think the nerf on the butcherblock monster mission kinda lame... i like dit the way it was simply because i tire of running with newblets that dont know what they are doing:( please unnerf it so i can go back doing what i do best SOLOING!
# Nov 07 2005 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
this is somewhat of a response to summerain...
if youre gonna gripe you should give some easons why youre not happy with the expansions. as it is you sound like a small child who didnt get what he wants for x-mas and is making hollow threats. so far what i have seen of DoD is awesome in apperance and feel, the lore is somewhat interesting and i havent really progressed far through it, my guild is still focused up upper end GoD content and trying to get into anguish. and i feel as most i talk to do, i would have paid 30$ for new AA, spells and the new charm augment (everyone knows LDoN is dead, and unless you already had your LDoN charm aug well powered up, it never will be). so far im pretty pleased with th exp as a whole. i know alot of casual gamers that solo or group in the new zone as it offers good exp, interesting loot possiblilties and a great envirovment. and the zones clearly have some decent high end potential for zergers and raiders, though ive yet to really experience any ( powering up my new charm aug i spemt some time exploring in shroud form...there alot of scary mobs out there!). my only real beef with the new expansion is the diffuculty obtaining the new spells, im a Mage and very spell dependent. =P other than that i think SOE has done a great job on it. ^^ ... and one more note for summerain ... have fun in WoW, CoV etc....those games pale in comparison to EQ in depth, options and environment. every one i know that has left to play that c_r_a_p was completely disappointed when the got to the level cap in 3 weeks and found they had nothing to do but make a new toon and do it all again. so if ya gonna go, go can be done and back to EQ in time for the next expansion. ^^
Fair warning?
# Nov 06 2005 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
Consider this fair warning, producer:

If you don't improve your support for players, I and many others will go to other games (WoW, CoV, etc). Your attitude that you are doing us, the subscribers and customers, a favor by taking our money and not listening to us with respect is arrogant. Please get over yourselves. I am a programmer of over 35 years experience. I am thus far not impressed with your model.
New expansion
# Nov 06 2005 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
far as i am conceren i wish I had never spent the mony to buy the new expansion. it has been a total waste of my time and money. Of 2 accounts i only get exp on the pirate mm so its s failure as far as i am concerned. I have petitioned to no luck so i wish i could sue and get money back.
RE: New expansion
# Nov 14 2005 at 5:43 AM Rating: Good
49 posts
Wish I hadn't bought DoDH either, but for different reasons. I am partly to blame considering my computer is not as powerful as I would like it to be. It takes me like 5 mins to zone into any DoDH zone. And I hate the way the zones look as well. If I wanted crazy, uneven, and ugly zones with wicked amounts of plant life in them, I would go play in Grimling Forest all day. Ruins of Illsalin (sp?) does look really cool tho.

I also hate the idea of playing as a fairy, gargoyle, possum, dinosaur or whatever other crap they put in. I rolled a bard cuz I wanted to play a bard. Not a gimp <insert class here>. If my buddy makes a new char and I want to grp with him I will just roll a new char. And if I don't have any more room for chars...oh well.

Plus I just haven't had any good luck with DoDH so far. I have died twice in Stoneroot falls and I have only been in that zone a total of about 10 seconds max. Fell for 20k damage first time I zoned in...ok, learned my lesson. Levi up. Zoned in again...fell for 20k damage again. I am not really digging any of the new creatures either.

Anyhow, I respect the amount of work that went into it, but atm, this expansion is down at the bottom of my fav list, cuddling with LDoN.
mot at all on the subject, but wooooooooooooot
# Nov 06 2005 at 5:45 AM Rating: Decent
lol im so proud, i put music in my magelo! ask me how to do it!!!!
now all i need is a picture...
o yay
# Nov 04 2005 at 5:56 PM Rating: Decent
quote:For those of you progressing through DoD, we are watching. We've got a close eye on Dreadspire and I'd like wish you the best of luck (you'll need it). My only advice is to make sure you have your sound cranked up when you reach the end, it could give you some hints about the future of Norrath. :) end quote.
joo are pulling my chain.i thought that what was pop/sleeper(in game lore was he wasnt killed he just "ran" *dumb ranger not doin his job*after he was defeated)so unless matta muram is a revampd sleeper and likes to sleep with werewolves and play with spideys i deff dont see how theyr gonna weeve this into the lore.although if ppl can make a bill and ted 2(dont flame i like it!)i can see some wierd connection being made.

Edited, Fri Nov 4 18:06:43 2005
proc vs required level
# Nov 04 2005 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
Required 45
Proc effect required 40
This weapon needs fixed please

Epic 2.0's are required level 70, and the procs/clickies are clickable at level 1. This weapon is required level 45, means it probably dropped in an area where you either had to be at least 45 to zone into, or dropped off a mob requiring at least lvl 45 to kill (at the time of implimentation into the game). Evolution of the game has extremely changed the factors in alot of this.
# Nov 04 2005 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
maybe, just a thought, they could ask players to have a say in what EQ dev's do. At least on my server, everyone agrees there should be more content for level 20-45's. I know some ppl say that there is, but they usually have a high end toon to fall back on. just my 2 pounds.
RE: well
# Nov 04 2005 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
I agree and I like your guild motto in the sig.

"Contact Linkdeath on Prexus-Thule to apply in his guild, the revived Faith Keepers. We are looking for 10-45's, and encourage in-guilding grping. We want to level together and progresss together, and are a family guild."

(I reposted it since your sig may change but the idea of it is cool).
RE: well
# Nov 05 2005 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
thanks ta yeh. are u on prexus thule by any chance?
RE: well
# Nov 06 2005 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
Not on Prexus thule :)
RE: well
# Nov 06 2005 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
shame there :-(
About Time
# Nov 04 2005 at 7:15 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
As many of you know, we've spent a significant amount of time on our reporting systems to detect various hacks and exploits. The end result will provide a really positive impact. For example, without the reporting tools, we took action on over 1,000 accounts during the month of October. Although that number may seem high, the numbers generated by our reporting tools are considerably higher. These tools are currently limited to generating reports, but we are rapidly approaching a time where these will be used in a more robust manner. I won't go into detail, but I'd like to encourage anyone playing outside the natural boundaries of EverQuest to get back in those boundaries. Whatever advancement these exploits provide to individuals is not worth the damage that it does to the EverQuest community. Consider this fair warning.

Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
Darkened Steel Saber
# Nov 04 2005 at 6:41 AM Rating: Decent
Required 45
Proc effect required 40
This weapon needs fixed please
RE: Darkened Steel Saber
# Nov 04 2005 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
480 posts
Along the same lines of KAND's comments...

1) What does it matter? If you can't use the weapon until level 45, then the proc will work once you can use the weapon. It would be a different arguement if you could use the weapon at 40, but the proc was level 45.

2) Don't forget that procs are tracked as a spell effect. This is tracked seperately from weapons. There are a lot of examples where the weapon and proc have differing levels.
RE: Darkened Steel Saber
# Nov 04 2005 at 9:48 AM Rating: Default
75 posts
Not really. from what i understand the proc effect notice would be the same on any weapon. If it was for a wurmslayer, it would proc at lvl 40 or if it was epic 2.0 it would proc at lvl 40. Its just a friendly note.
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