Hodgepodge Dev Q & A - November 30, 2005

Developers address some Bazaar and tradeskill issues in the Halfling Hodgepodge Q & A (as on EQLive). ========================================== Can you add more searching options for the /Barter window? If there are more than 200 buy lines, you can't view them all. It would be nice if we could at least search by /Buyer name and see all buy lines posted by that buyer. This stuff is technically feasible. When the feature was first designed it was assumed that, since you had the item, you'd be able to specify it by name when looking to see if anyone wanted it. More and more people seem to be doing vendor diving for barter buyers, though, which makes these requested features more useful. Since we now have a button to turn on/off helms in options, why can't this be done for switching between tunics and robes for monks? From a purely technical standpoint, these are 2 completely different things. Turning helms on and off merely is a flag to determine whether we should display the helm model associated with the item, or just display as if you weren't wearing a helm. This is why it didn't add helm graphics to helms that didn't already have them, as that would require going through all those items and specifying a graphic look. The tunic/robe thing would require adding a new field to the items specifying their "alternative" model, and a designer would then have to populate that field for everything. Why can't it be done? Well, it probably can, but it would take a lot more time than the helm thing did, and not just programmer time. Will the Spell Research skill get a trophy, now that it's a "real" tradeskill? One of the things that we've been discussing lately has been the possibility of extending the current line of trophies to be tiered, instead of just one trophy at 250 skill. The benefits of this would allow us to upgrade the trophies if / when we increase the tradeskill caps again, as well as reward those who have attained the higher skills with more stats and bigger modifiers. This extension would also include adding trophies for the skills that do not currently have any. Seriously though for tradeskilling many classes are not able to forage which means you either make an alt or pay massive bazaar prices. Why can’t there be more recipies that contain vendor drop items at the higher skill levels? Foraging is a beneficial skill that gives us a means of creating specific recipes aimed at a smaller section of the tradeskill community, however... It also should not be the gating factor for gaining skill points in any one specific tradeskill. In many cases, the items that can be obtained via foraging are also able to be obtained via other means. This is a trend we plan on continuing as we move forward with as we introduce more recipes into the game. In the situations where a skill-up recipe does use foraged items, we'll make sure there's an equivalent recipe that uses a dropped counterpart. Why don't (Trolls) have the ability to make some old world cultural armor like the crimson darkscale or the fulvous darksplint or the blackened darkscale armor which are wearable by Trolls but can only be made by Ogres. This racial-gap in the 'old cultural' was one of the main concerns and causes of introducing the new cultural armor with Dragons of Norrath. We saw a number of gaps with the old cultural, as well as a need for upgrading the armor to something that more accurately reflected the content that players currently encounter in EverQuest. The new cultural fills in these gaps very well, so we currently have no plans to add any 'old cultural' recipes to the races that do not currently have it. Is fletching going to be fixed for non karana followers and/or foragers? We have several ideas on how to extend fletching beyond its current usefulness and limitations -- This includes adding additional means to obtain 300 skill for everyone, as well as adjusting the recipes which make it far too easy for certain races and / or classes to raise their skill. Without delving too deeply into the details, expect some changes in the near future (January / February timeframe). Can we get some details on the plans to address the tradeskill issues with regards to skill up paths? Specifically, tailoring for non-karana worshipers and fletching for non-wood elfs or non-karana worshipers have nearly impossible skill up paths to 300. This, much like the question asked above, is also on the board to be addressed by adding additional recipes as well as adjusting any of those recipes which are far too easy for certain races to gain skill with.


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bazaar shopping list
# Dec 22 2005 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
I would like to be able to make a shopping list of all the stuff I'm interested in buying (or in keeping tabs on the prices of) and just click a button for that shopping list (in case we get multiple shopping lists) and it'll list everyone selling anything on my list.
Fletching Nerf
# Dec 05 2005 at 5:40 PM Rating: Excellent
All karana worshippers who are also fletchers, can say goodbye to the free skillups (vendor bought ingredients). As of currently we can easily buy up our bags full of ingredients in Surefall Glade, and head to town to fletch our hearts away. No limit, no time wasted foraging, no time farming greenie mobs for ingredients. Just buy all you can carry and fletch up to 300. Being as I am a bard, when the market kind of dried up for the blessed arrows in bazaar, I just stopped fletching em. But that is not to say that the current Karana rangers especially, dont keep making them bags at a time.
Just some quickie sub-combines in the forge and you have some decent arrows come out of your fletching kit.

Now, does that mean that all Karana blacksmiths can no longer skip the fine steel plate armors on their path to advance? Those arrowheads save you from many many hours of tailoring leather padding.
I think its fine to add tradeskills and new trophies but I dont see the need to take stuff away from ppl because they are percieved as having an easier time to obtain skillups from fletching. Heck, enchanters get a cart blanche on the AA's for jewelcraft. Anyone else can do jewelcraft but cannot purchase the aa's for the skill. How come the perception that they are allowed to be better jewelers can persist but that Karana worshippers must have more difficulty learning fletching and blacksmithing? One is the entire class reguardless of race or diety and the other is one entire diety regardless of race or class.

Edited, Mon Dec 5 17:51:24 2005
Bazaar offline selling?
# Dec 04 2005 at 9:00 PM Rating: Decent
342 posts
Before I bludgeon the devs with this one, has the issue of selling player goods while NOT logged in been addressed? I point to EQ2 and SWG as an example.

I think the current system can be retained for those who like to converse, wheel-n-deal, etc. but there should be a way to logout and leave a certain number of items for sale in world. It is a total waste of network and energy resources to leave your computer on just to be able to sell in EQ. Not to mention the servers bump you offline at random (and much more often than I think people care to admit).

RE: Bazaar offline selling?
# Dec 07 2005 at 5:53 AM Rating: Decent
Well said! I have been saying that since the first day I started playing EQ (which was about 6 months ago, hehe). Final Fantasy was a mmorpg that I had just come from playing before I started EQ, and they had a good system of dropping your wares into an auction board while you're playing online or offline. You would set a minimum bid price (that no one can see) and the item would go to the first person who would bid at or over that price. Then the money could be automatically deposited into your shared bank account. It can be done, and like you said, Kuponya, it would be more convenient for us by saving on the old electric bill, not to mention SOE's own resources. Come on, SOE, be more conservation-oriented :)
i wish
# Dec 02 2005 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
i wish they would make items arrangeable from their stats. for fuge's sake, i have to look thru evey single sword below my budget, just to seee if im getting a good deal or if i could do better. JUST MAKE THE ITEMS ARRANGEABLE BY STATS SO I CAN BUY MY STUFF EASY PLEASE|THANK YOU|

look at my magloe please!! |thank you and enjoy the video|
RE: i wish
# Dec 05 2005 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
More specifically, since you can search by specific stats adding a few more which are relevent to weapons, (i.e. Attack delay and Damage).

If ya wanted to get really into it, tree out a Bane search line with with the Bane type avail in Norrath.
New search fields??
# Dec 01 2005 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
8 posts
I would like to see you be able to search for items according to Augmentation slot type # and weapons according to dmg.
RE: New search fields??
# Dec 01 2005 at 8:10 PM Rating: Good
Hear! Hear! I've often run into the same problems while searching for ranger weapons for an alt, and the Aug slot type field would be a great boon too. Short of running out of screen space, I don't see too much of a problem with adding as much cross-index search options as possible.
# Nov 30 2005 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
539 posts
For the love of God, I wish they would make it so you could be a trader and a buyer at the same time no matter how impossible that sounds.
"Citing your sources isn't spoon feeding, it's basic 101 if you're making an argument."-Jophiel
RE: /trader/buy
# Dec 01 2005 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
i very much agree... would make things so much easier
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