Legends Service Will End in February

As announced on EQLive, the Legends service will end on February 1, 2006. A poll among Legends user will be offered to determine whether or not the server remains open as a standard server after the closing date. ============================================== Dear Legends Subscriber, We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support of EverQuest and the EverQuest community and hope you have enjoyed our Legends service. As of February 1, 2006, however, we will be discontinuing the Legends service. At this time we have not determined whether Stormhammer will become a standard server or if all current players will move to existing servers at no additional charge to you. We wanted to hear from you before we made a decision and we will be including the Stormhammer community in the upcoming decision making process so be sure to watch for more information on the forums or in-game via messages of the day, broadcasts, or in-game polls. As a thank you to our loyal members, we are allowing all current Legends subscribers to maintain their seven Veteran Reward benefits regardless of length of subscription. Effective immediately, your account billing will be labeled “pending status,” which will allow you to choose a new subscription plan. This can be done by logging into the Station Store at https://eqbl.station.sony.com/launchpad/subscription.jsp, and then choosing a new plan. Please be sure to do this prior to January 31, 2006 to ensure your subscription does not lapse. Thank you for your cooperation with this matter and if you have any questions or concerns regarding your account subscription changes, please contact our accounts and billing department at: 858-537-0898 or go to the following link to chat live with Customer Support (available Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm PST): http://help.station.sony.com/cgi-bin/soe.cfg/php/enduser/live.php You can also visit http://www.station.sony.com/en/services/help/customer.jsp for more support options. If you would like to submit feedback regarding your Legends experience, please feel free to email your comments to Legendsfeedback@soe.sony.com Thank you, The EverQuest Team Sony Online Entertainment


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Legends end....
# Dec 15 2005 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
As a Brellian....
Losing our server and moving to a new server wasnt as bad as much of us thought it would be. I myself would welcome all SH's wayfarers to the Cazic(Brell) server. Wish you all on SH a smooth transition, wether it be a sever x-fer or not.

Edited, Thu Dec 15 15:18:32 2005
Senelder O'Summonist

The only place where success comes before work is a dictionary....
Cazic Thule
# Dec 14 2005 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Don't worry. Everyone on Cazic isn't uptight. When Brell merged with us, both we and Brell expected the other group to be unruly, ill-mannered and all around pains in the ***. From what I've seen, less than 1% of the Brellians were what I would even call annoying. Come to think of it, that's probably a better percentage than the original CT population. Either way, Cazic-Thule (Brell Serilis) server would gladly welcome refugees from Stormhammer or anywhere else. (Bring a few of your GMs with you. The more the merrier!)

Meddek Earthshine
66 Vicar of Tunare
Glissando Barchetta
57 Composer of Songs
Dead Again Guild
RE: Cazic Thule
# Dec 14 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Default
Thank you Meddek! I am not sure what anyones plans are as the server may stay up as a regular server.

# Dec 13 2005 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
i'd hate to spoil your mean fun against GM's... but really.
1.they get paid to play EQ n help you. there arnt many of them, and there are MANY of us.
2.every petition i have put up had been answered within 3 days.
3. most GM's i meet are really nice, and support any ideas i have for EQ (such as changing the battle music)
4.soem GM's are really not nice. like some PC's in EQ.
5.wonder why they are not nice, cuz YOU all are making horrible comments about them, especially in the general chat, where they can SEE what you type :-P
6.not to name any GM's, but i have had lots of really nice GM's who i chat to sometimes and who really do care about you all who play EQ.
7.for just one moment, imagen being a GM on the ratio of 5:100 to PC players. probably less. Now imagen them all with a problem. soem have the same problam, so u have a hotkey to assist them quickly. Most of them are making comments about you being slow, or a lazy something or a bot ect... when you are acctually either looking up info, or helping someone. PE PATIENT!!! GM's will help you if you are nice, and are willing to wait a mo! however super u may think they are, THEY ARE JUST HUMANS (or ikkys or darkelves...) and i doubt any i ahve met were bots .
oh well
# Dec 13 2005 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I don't care one way or another. I wonder if any of the stormhammer only zones will go to live now? I am surprised the server lasted this long, I know I would never pay $40 a month for this game. I get ticked when I see my CC bill just for paying $15 (I remember when it was 9.99 and I remember when it was 12.99). I seriously doubt it costs SOE that much more to run the game, especially when you look at how customer service has gone down. There is less paid GM's in the game and anytime you need help you can expect to wait a day.

I see we got the classic "Well you pay $X for cable internet!" posts going all ready.Yes alot of people pay that much for cable internet. However I think most people use there cable internet for more then to simply play eq1. With my cable internet I can check work, shop on-line, sell on-line, look up information on other games, etc etc. So It doesn't matter what a person pays for internet it has nothing to do with why a person should or shouldn't pay $40 for 1 single game.

RE: oh well
# Dec 13 2005 at 7:25 PM Rating: Default
There are no Stormhammer only zones. They had one called Marauders Mire back when it started but it was quickly shut down.
# Dec 13 2005 at 10:26 AM Rating: Default
I sure hope they just put them all on one server by themselves.
I for one do not want the primadonna attitudes on my server.
Much less all the unearned high level gear and items they have.
RE: Legends
# Dec 13 2005 at 7:30 PM Rating: Default
Don't worry Palenor, we wouldn't want to come to Cazic Thule if you are representative of the population.
And unearned high level gear? You think we all run around in Anguish Gear or something? Maybe you think the GMs just hand out gear left and right? Many of us on the serve JUST FINISHED our PoTime flags and we are nowhere near as geared as you think we are.

Now, some people have earned gear that was awarded to them or named after them. And they earned it. Don't get all pissy because you never took the time to find out what Legends was really all about. My best memory of SH is of its GM events. When the Sleepers Tomb revamp happened they had an event in Eastern Wastes and 180+ people showed up. We had to fight wave after wave of giants and dragons. It was an amazing sight to see this many people in Eastern Wastes, and it lasted 5 hours. When it was all said and done they handed out 6 or 8 items that they named after some of the players. Most people got nothing except a few screenshots and a great time.
So, you can stick your attitude where the sun don't shine :)

Edited, Tue Dec 13 19:52:35 2005
RE: Legends
# Dec 14 2005 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
First off.....I for one can say that Palenor is not a representstive of CT. Come to think of it im not even sure if I've ever seen him...under this name at least. I look at it this way....you payed the extra money to be in the postion to get those extra events. If you guys do have move to a new server...please dont let his opinions make your choice for you. There are several guilds that are right where you guys are in terms of progression...that I'm very sure would love to have you guys with them.
Shut up already Whiners!
# Dec 13 2005 at 10:05 AM Rating: Default
They are paying alot more then for a better server right?So whats the problem?If you want that kind of service PAY UP!Jeez whiners!What do you think,you rent a dump shack somewhere and are supposed to get the and the treatment of the 4 seasons? Buy a Kia and have the options of A BMW?Go to McDonalds and expect the service with waiters and personal chefs like a 5star resort.Most of you whiners probably pay for cable internet (approx.$40-$50)as opposed to Dial-up ($10-20)Are you whining about the people that can't afford that?It's called --If you want better service PAY.Enough whining like little sissies.I don't or never have had that service for EQ and refuse to pay that kind of money but for those that want to Good for them!They should get better service.You can't afford it?Get another job if it really means that much to you and is destroying your life and stop complaining Sissyboy!
This is very concerning
# Dec 13 2005 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
What is that smell? It smells like a Finance VP has made the decision to run this game by the Bottom-Line and not make any effort to hide it.

This server and the rich people on it were suppose to be the A-Listers, The Haves instead of us Have-Nots.

The lucky people on this box got the best service (some would argue they got the only service). This box was the very definition of the 2-Tier System, ever so popular here in the USA.

These peeps got regular Events, MOBs on demand, GM help (what is that?), lost items recovered, help on corpse runs, answers to petitions (what does that feel like?) and of course first dibs on all new content.

I am not on Legends and never was (I was on Veeshan and now on Luclin)...so why am I concerned?

If the socially elite are being treated this way....what is coming for us pee-ons?

RE: This is very concerning
# Dec 13 2005 at 7:40 PM Rating: Default
"This server and the rich people on it were suppose to be the A-Listers, The Haves instead of us Have-Nots. ...."

lol...Rich people? You think rich people play EQ? If I were rich I would be out driving around in my Ferrari on the Las Vegas strip. Most of Stormhammer people are normal peeps who pay a little extra for the events. That is the reason I joined back in the day. have and Have-nots? You could be a 'Have' for just $25 extra per month.

These peeps got regular Events.... True

MOBs on demand....False. It has never happened. No GM has ever summoned a mob at the request of a player on SH.

help on corpse runs...Not true.

and of course first dibs on all new content...False. We got screwed out of that a long time ago.

In fact, we got screwed out of a lot of things that were promised us. The Legends website has never worked properly, they never implimented all the features that were originally promised like tracking your duels, and we get no exclusive content. Why did I stay? I stayed because of the friends I made on SH. Simple as that.

Edited, Tue Dec 13 19:45:36 2005
# Dec 12 2005 at 10:39 PM Rating: Decent
187 posts
The Stormhammer server in my opinion is/was the Test server II.

Typicaly, things that were on test went to Stormhammer, first, then on to the "poor man" servers (Normal servers).

My 2 bits....

Edited, Tue Dec 13 05:20:49 2005
# Dec 12 2005 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
What exactly is the "Legends" server?
RE: Legends
# Dec 12 2005 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
The server name is actually "Stormhammer", the service is called Legends. The idea was supposed to be that, for a substantially higher monthly fee ($39.95/month last I knew), you would play on a server that had a significant GM presence. GMs would run dynamic events on a regular basis. As a side bonus, as mentioned, new zones and other features frequently went live on Stormhammer before being released to the regular servers.
RE: Legends
# Dec 13 2005 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
They also had a tier ranking system for their guilds. Letting you know how strong your raiding guild was vs other guilds. We used a similar tree on Inny but it was much harder for us because you had to go and find the mob up. On Legends the GMs would just spawn any monster they needed. =0
RE: Legends
# Dec 13 2005 at 7:44 PM Rating: Default
Wrong. The tier system was put in place to reserve a given mob. If the mob was up or spawned during Wed - Sat, you got the chance to kill it. The GMs would never spawn mobs for guilds. If you didn't kill your mob by Saturday night your guild would be de-tiered and you would have to start all over again. If your guild killed a mob that was reserved for another guild your guild stood a chance at being de-tiered. If A guild killed a mob the day before it was to go on the tier system the GMs would not spawn it for you, and you were SOL.
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