Stormhammer Poll Results In

This information is in from EQLive: The players of the Stormhammer Server have voted to shut the server down. ============================================== Greetings Citizens of Stormhammer, We have completed our poll and the vote is to take down the server when the Legends service is discontinued at midnight PST on February 1, 2006. We will be immediately beginning complimentary one-time moves to one server of your choice. All characters on that account will be moved to your selected server. All characters will bring their items with them in the transfer. Please note that once you have issued the /movelog command and you have been moved to your new server that you will not be able to return. Character names are not guaranteed on server to server transfers. If the character's name has already been used on the server you wish to move to, an "X" will be added to the end of the name. When you are ready to move your characters enter the game and type /movelog in the chat bar. You will see a dialog appear with a list of servers that you may move to. Select a server then click the “Select” button. The move will be completed as soon as is practical. The deadline to select your new server with the /movelog command is midnight PST on February 1, 2006. If you have not selected your new server prior to this time, your characters will not be moved. Thank you for your patience and continued support. - The EverQuest Team


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Consider the Prexus server
# Jan 04 2006 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
269 posts
Sorry to hear that your server is being discontinued. :(

Stormhammer folks might consider the Prexus server, one of the oldest. It has a goodly amount of mature players, with a smattering of the usual less than nice ones. It was merged with the Terris Thule server during the server consolidations.

Guilds range from very casual to hard-core high end raiding and a number of those guilds have been around since "back in the day". :) There are Euro time based guilds as well as U.S. based guilds. It is generally a pleasant and enjoyable experience playing on Prexus.

Stormhammer folks might consider creating a newbie character on Prexus, check out the guild boards, bazaar, hang around in Plane of Knowledge and get a feel for the place and the people.

Clan Nan Dreolan
Prexus server
Not Erollisi Marr
# Dec 30 2005 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
Morell-Thule was decent, but now that we've merged with Erollisi Marr, I wouldn't recommend coming here. Lot of eBayers, lots of kids w/ names like 'whatever' beyotch, gonnahan dupain, stupidity like that and it shows in their language and constant whining for MGB's (oddly enough, the MGB's are, imho, plentiful). There are definitely some class acts, to be sure, but overall there's no way I could recommend someone transferring to EM.

Just my 2 cents.
need to do the same...
# Dec 28 2005 at 11:24 PM Rating: Default
imo,they need to do the same with FV server. it's very hard to get groups on FV. we'd all be happier on more populated servers.
# Dec 23 2005 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
3,128 posts should enable you to see which servers have your name taken before going there, though I would not count on it being perfect information.

If you have to choose where to go, I recommend Xegony, lots of nice people and good low and high end numbers.
# Dec 27 2005 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
655 posts
Your picture scares me fhrugby. I hope I don't have nightmares about Santa now.
Antonius Bayle
RE: Names
# Dec 24 2005 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts
Actually, when you bring up the /movelog screen, if your name is taken on that server it is flagged, red if I remember right.
RE: Names
# Dec 24 2005 at 1:45 PM Rating: Good
21 posts
You can go to a potential server and make a new character with the name you want to keep from your old server. If the server lets you name the character with your name then delete the new character and transfer on over.

Be sure to check out the guild boards on the servers also.
RE: Names
# Dec 27 2005 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
actually no this wont work, the server retains names too long, youll move to new server and get the X :/ moved from luclin to morden rasp back to luclin and had 2 x's on my name cause i had allready created the same name on morden, and moves were months apart..
RE: Names
# Dec 23 2005 at 5:59 PM Rating: Default
if you search your characters name, it shows all character with that name in it.
Just my theory
# Dec 23 2005 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
I think SOE made a bad business decision when they put out EQ2. Some people migrated and some didn't. Yet, some just quited or moved to WoW or other online RPG. The EQ population has dropped dramatically. Of course, there are many other factors such as the poor customer services, lack of GM respond, quality of problem solution, and not addressing the issue of corruption of GMs.
Sorry to hear this :(
# Dec 23 2005 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
Hello All:
Sorry to hear your server is being shut down but I least SOE is giving you the option to move all your chars to another server. Hope to see some of you on Maelin :) Think we have a pretty good crowd there and have always enjoyed it.

Stormhammer blues
# Dec 23 2005 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
Oh! so that's why I can't ever find a GM anymore!
The future of Everquest
# Dec 23 2005 at 2:53 AM Rating: Default
222 posts
This link=]article[/link might help.

For those too lazy to read it, the part I found relative was Everquest has more than 5 years left in it. They boast about their end-game content.

I have seen a couple of large end-game raid guilds falling apart lately on Maelin. I hope sony is trying to 1: Distribute their employees to give better gamer support, and 2: Trying to spread some of those Stormhammer vet's amongst the growing newbie generations, and maybe get some stronger guild leadership out there.

Only bad side I see to this I can relate to; If I wanted a server where I knew I could make generalizations about the players there, a more expensive one would be key. I would pay $50 a month for a server if I knew it was only going to have good psychological profile adult gamers that weren't obsessed with one track raid mentallities. (Basically saying if you make enough to afford the luxury server, you are an intelligent and successful person and the kind of people I would want to be around)

The good side is now the rich folk have to come join us commoners on the other servers.. Haha
its better than
# Dec 22 2005 at 11:55 PM Rating: Default
hey its better than some agmes i know. some games are like were gonan shut down thsi server wol ECT and so whjat if your one the best plz enjoy starting over. at laest sony is letting them switch servers with all there armor. thasts nice of em to do
# Dec 22 2005 at 10:54 PM Rating: Decent
I guess there wasnt enough people who were enjoying being gouged to have decent customer service
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 23 2005 at 10:24 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Waste of time playing EQ anyway. EQ2 and WOW are much better games. There is no real EQ left. Just a bunch of people who never got anywhere trying to do monster missions to pump their pathetic characters up.
RE: Wow
# Dec 23 2005 at 5:55 PM Rating: Default
12 posts
I'm so sick of people like that! You have your opinion - stick with it.
Tried both and didnt find them intersting at all. I find EQ1 way better than any of those two MMORPG.
Sorry your guild sucked and had nothing better to do but stupid MMs. There is A LOT to do in EQ.
RE: Wow
# Dec 23 2005 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
Why would you say that in an EQ forum? You want people to hunt you down and kill you? lol
RE: Wow
# Dec 23 2005 at 9:53 AM Rating: Default
or maybe because it was horribly under populated and its not worth paying extra cash for going onto a server thats s ounder populated you cant do much.
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