Nektulos Revamp on the Way

A revamp to Nektulos Forest is on the way. As seen on EQLive: ==================================================== Hail, Friends, and well met. My name is Meg Haufe and I'm an Everquest environment artist, as well as a long time fan and player of the game. Everquest is the reason that I'm in the lovely city of San Diego, as I came here several years ago to meet some members of the guild I am in, "Ilsik Haucil" on Saryrn. I fell in love with the city, and moved here to pursue my career in game development. At the time, I never would have dreamed that I would be so fortunate as to end up working on my favorite game! But here I am, and I am loving being able to help shape the world I spent so much time playing in. When they asked me to remake Nektulos Forest I was really excited. I really felt that the zone should reflect as closely as possible the original zone, but with up to date art. The first thing I did was locate a top down map of old Nektulos, and print it out for reference. Then I ran around the original zone and made notes on the map as to where everything was, including the paths and things like where the land changed from grass to rock. I also felt that it was very important to preserve landmarks that players would recognize, and probably miss, if they were absent from the zone. Top on this list were the "Newbie Log" and the bridge. The Newbie Log resided slightly southwest of the entrance to Neriak, and was where young dark elves would gather, back in the day. I know that I would miss it, if I traveled there and it was gone. And the bridge, while I gave its art an updated look, is now back to being a large stone bridge.
All the other landmarks are there, although some of them might surprise you. For example the little Stonehenge where Halflings used to hang out is now a quite large Stonehenge, with a misty foggy feel in that area.
The first thing I wanted players to think upon entering the zone is how much it really feels like a forest. For this I have to thank my teammates Clint Batac and Andy Livingston, for making such beautiful trees! They really give the zone that deep forest feel. I also spent a lot of time working on the sounds of the zone, adding things like creaking frogs around the water, to howling wolves and owls and crickets, to impress that feeling of being deep in a forest.
Then, after exploring the zone for a short time, I hope the player realizes just how much the zone is like the original Nektulos. After all is said and done, that was the most important fact. Safe journeys to you all, Meg H. See the new look of Nektulos on Test now! ====================================================


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# May 20 2006 at 6:30 AM Rating: Default
I could throw a football across the current "revamp" of Nektulos. Its garbage.

I think the developer in charge of this new new Nektulos has hit the nail on the head like never before. They should be put in charge of re-envisioning all original+kunark zone revamps. eq HAS to begin to evolve or it will get left behind.

I think other major changes need to take place too. One radical example would be to break up POK. That zone hurt the game so much imho. I like the poster's comment who said pretty soon we'd have dropdown boxes where we can just choose where we want and LOADING...

With transportation already as easy as it is (runspeed AA, gate potions, gate necks, origin AA, guildhall) pok has made transportation sooo easy that it degrades the immersiveness of the game.

You dont need to know jack squat about the game to be able to get from A to B, unlike how it used to be "back in the day".
# May 03 2006 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
My original Character being a Dark elf shadowknight in 2000 makes me want to say....meg will you have my children ?

Now can we do something about Freeport?
Updating new zones :)
# May 03 2006 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent
The zone getting 'properly' updated instead of that silly version we had last time can only be good :)

Too many things have detracted from the orginal adventurers feel of the game, its so nice to find someone at SoE who actually cares enough to do something to keep it from becoming a console style game.

Now PLEASE do something with that abomination that calls itself Freeport!! It isnt.

The current trend seems to be 'meet in PoK' click a zone to go straight to the required zone, fight, click home when needed.

When in a non raiding situation, alot of the fun used to be in the travel, particularly when you had to negotiate awkward zones, or actually travel across several to get to where you wanted to go. It became an adventure, now we may as well just have a drop down menu and select the zone we want. Boring.....

Edited, Wed May 3 06:49:10 2006
RE: Updating new zones :)
# May 09 2006 at 3:01 AM Rating: Decent
All I can say is Amen Djakel!! One of my first characters was an Ogre shaman. I used to run around with my RL friend and his Ogre warrior. "Back in the day", which means before this game go watered down and polluted with whiners, it used to be quite the adventure to travel from Oggok to say, Steamfont Mountains for a little Minotaur bashing. First the run through the deserts, then sneaking down through the sewers only to come out and have to stand on a rock and literaly "catch" the boat as is glided past you. God forbid you missed it!! Oh, and then if you wanted a little action in small run there either although that one didn't require an Ogre to go through a Goody Goody town. In short, the old days and old ways are usually best. Doubly so when talking about EQ.

++ Use a little uncommon sense and show a little uncommon courtesy ++
# May 02 2006 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
The First revamp made the forest feel like a console game. Had fake trees and certain paths you were meant to walk on . EQ is partially special because of it's freedom to roam and they lost that , but I believe they realized it and are working to change it.

The orginal forest was awesome I remem camping shadowmen there for exp LOL and be affraid when I seen a guard . I am looking forward to see the forest come back to how it was meant to be with a slight facelift:)
# Apr 29 2006 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
looks good Meg, maybe a GM event that explains the change in the chaotic magic of the forest?
Good Move
# Apr 29 2006 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
Although i've only been playing since shortly before DODH and didn't get to spend a whole lot of time in the original Nektulos, it's nice to see that SOE has revamped the revamp instead of just settling with what they had. This is a treat to long time players, and for newer players such as myself shows that although the game doesn't get the attention from SOE that it did in it's hayday, they are willing to put the time into something to make it right. Maybe Freeport next lol. And hats off to Meg, a former player who is now on their end and helping to preserve the game world as it is and as it should be.
Looks great!
# Apr 29 2006 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
This is the best news I've heard in a long time! Nektulos was always supposed to have a very dark, haunted feeling. The new Nektulos doesn't really look like a forest. It looks more like a huge open clearing surrounded by fake trees. This change will restore the forest to the way it should be. Nice work!

I hope that if Sony continues to revamp older zones that they take a good hard look at the care that Meg Haufe has put into her work. This proves that it is possible to revamp old zones without changing the heart and soul of the zone itself. Freeport, for example, does not even remotely resemble what it looked like before. Who wants to walk through a zone that is so needlessly complicated that even the Find command doesn't work half the time? Its a shame that more eq designers don't have the same zeal for the game that Meg does.
Way Cool!
# Apr 29 2006 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
26 posts
The first time I got a group as a newbie in EQ it was on my DE alt in the old Nektulos forest. *sniffles* I have missed it sooo much since DoN came out.
The new artwork looks great and I'm looking forward to unloading the trader stuff off my DE and taking her 'home' from the bazaar to explore again.
Have Fun!
# Apr 28 2006 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
641 posts
Thank you Meg, your enthusiasm is infectious :)
Donbayne 100 Rng - Uinian 100 Dru - Breru 100 Sk - Nyenie 82 Brd - Ruusan 76 Clr - Braru 75 Mag - Syqen 100 Shm EQ Stromm/Luclin
YAAAY Im happy for one!
# Apr 28 2006 at 10:53 AM Rating: Default
Looks nice and spooky again...

I came from a pvp server so it was always nice when nek forest was dark and humans couldnt see!

updates/graphics comments
# Apr 27 2006 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
Keep up the good works. The graphics are awesome and the audio keeps the adrenaline pumping when we get into those zones to explore. I have been playing since the onset of EQ and have mixed emotions on some changes. I was not to pleased with the planes books appeared making travel way to easy. I miss the old days of begging for a SOW and running or hooking up with a druid for a ride.
The new Freeport has to compicated to my liking but the graphics are awesome. The new zones are awesome. I know it must be difficult to keep it interesting with everyone running around at level 70 now and very few newbies. Its getting more difficult to get groups at lower levels unless your boxing another computer. Your answer to the problem was creative but I dont like the shrouds
Whatever comes, keep up the hard work
See you in the world of Everquest hopefully for another several years......
Oh well
# Apr 27 2006 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
Have to say looks impressive and I like keeping the old points of interest. My personal feeling is I wish they would just leave all the old zones alone period. There is way enough else to fix IMO.I'm actually surprised they don't put stuff in you need to climb since that seems to be their obsession over the last 2 expansions. Oh and the day they revamp Kunark I am retiring from EQ it's fine how it is.

Edited, Thu Apr 27 12:31:18 2006
i've got a better idea
# Apr 27 2006 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
why update one zone two times? *chants* revamp kunark!, and bring it up to date, revamp kunark!
I am all for the new old zone!
# Apr 27 2006 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
317 posts
Thank you soo much for the new old change. I didn't like playing in the fairy tale zone!

Edited, Thu Apr 27 12:07:50 2006
# Apr 27 2006 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
130 posts
I think the revamp is wonderful! The 'new' Neriak was very disappointing (sorry guys!) with a lot of unused space. It's nice to see some of the 'old' stuff coming back again for us old school players (of course, the revamp will be 'new' to those who've just joined EQ). ;-)
The new new nektulos
# Apr 27 2006 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
THANK INNORUUK! The last time Nektulos was revamped, they screwed it up and it looked like more of a fairy hang out than the home of the Dark Elves.
Stop the hate
# Apr 27 2006 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
Why is it that some people just got to hate? Personally i think the new zone looks fantastic and i hope they keep up the good work on the revamps
I was dissapointed with the zone upgrade, but this
# Apr 27 2006 at 2:26 AM Rating: Decent
I like the look of the new version of the zone. Never played a Dark elf, but the revamp was small and did not have the same level of improvement that the lavastorm revamp introduced.

I can only home that they well allow Meg to work on many of the other zones East and west Commonlands come to mind
Well done
# Apr 27 2006 at 2:20 AM Rating: Decent
I wish all old world zone got this kind of upgrade. It well done. I like the old zone and the revamped zone (only complain it was to small maybe) But the re-revamp looks promising!

I wish more old EQ players could work on EQ that would enhance the world even more.

# Apr 26 2006 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
wish all the zones could look like this good job Meg i look forward to seeing the new zone
RE: wow
# Apr 27 2006 at 4:11 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
OOH, OOH, Me too!! Looks like it is gonna be good..But, can't make everyone happy... It was a great place to train as a newbie; of course, now, with the tutorial most players don't even know how to get to their "hometown" LOL! Anyway, I look forward to seeing this in game. And yes, as someone else stated, Please do something with Qeynos and Qeynos Hills... I loved those zones, but they need a re-vamp, BADLY!! Good Work, Meg! :)
Looks good
# Apr 26 2006 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
I swear some poeple just like to complain. Once things aren't exactly how they want them, watch out... My main's a Dark Elf and I love runnin around in Nek and in Neriak. Looking forward to seeing the revamped zone. To those that don't like it, go play in Freeport...since we can' ;-)
Meg This Looks Great!
# Apr 26 2006 at 7:52 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
I am very eager to see the revamp of the zone. The current Nektulous is far too cramped.

Meg don't let the lazy whiners get you down. They are victems of "instant gratification syndrome" and don't want to do anything but fight/level/fight/level. They may as well be playing a console game. They only dip into EQ but shallowly and are missing the richness and depth of Norrath and the game system.

It took maybe 20 seconds of running max to get to Neriak from the PoK book in the old zone. Big deal! At least you're not running from West Commons anymore.

Keep up the good work Meg!

Can you redo the artwork in Qeynos Hills? That's my favorite newbie/ lowbie zone. :)


Edited, Wed Apr 26 19:48:36 2006
RE: Meg This Looks Great!
# Apr 28 2006 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
OMG "instant gratification syndrome"

I made up that term, or at least thought I did since I had never heard it before, about a year after starting to play EQ (some 5 years ago). It perfectly described so many of the players flocking to the game.
Glad to see someone else who noticed and came up with the same terminology Smiley: lol
RE: Meg This Looks Great!
# Apr 28 2006 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
OMG "instant gratification syndrome"

I made up that term, or at least thought I did since I had never heard it before, about a year after starting to play EQ (some 5 years ago). It perfectly described so many of the players flocking to the game.
Glad to see someone else who noticed and came up with the same terminology Smiley: lol
Whats wrong with posts below me?
# Apr 26 2006 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
Dude u guys obviously havent played EQ very long. Nektulos used to be a great zone loads of fun then they revamped it made it tiny and it really sucked. This new revamp will be great. I dont know what ure problem is. just saying old one rocked and was bigger, new one was laggy small, annoying, there were invis walls where there were trees and it was jsut annoying.

No offense meant by any of this.
you guys are retarded
# Apr 26 2006 at 7:40 PM Rating: Default
new nek sucks

that is all.
Leave it alone!
# Apr 26 2006 at 6:58 PM Rating: Default
This Sucks! I FINALLY enjoyed playing my dark elves large part due to that fact that Neriak was so easy to get to from the Book! Now you are telling me we have to go back to old map style because some old farts can't stand the idea of there not being a Newbie Log? Give me a break! I have played this game with both map layouts and I much prefer ease of access to home town over a missing log!

Edited, Wed Apr 26 18:53:32 2006
RE: Leave it alone!
# Apr 27 2006 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
276 posts
its more than that. its like the people who designed it had no concern as to what the ORIGINAL looked like, and just designed it to fit the new expansion. which is exactly what happened to freeport. its still a very short run to neriak from the book, just looks more like the original. i for one was very upset that they removed some of the thing in the zone, and putting the int caster npc's in with the halflings in one camp? HORRIBLE!
RE: Leave it alone!
# Apr 27 2006 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
I strongly disagree with you. I found the revamped zone too small, and it has nothing at all on the feeling of the old zone. The revamped one I keep expecting to see small children on seesaws, and swings.
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