What's on Deck! Chapter 1.2 "Battle for Restuss" Publish Notes, June 30th

On Friday, June 30th at 4:00 AM PDT all U.S. and European galaxies will be taken down for server maintenance and a live update.

When the update is complete, all galaxies will be live but unavailable while we complete final testing.  All galaxies will be made available after that time.

4:00 AM PDT (Los Angeles) / 6:00 AM CDT (Austin) / 7:00 AM EDT (New York) / 12:00 PM (London) / 9:00 PM (Tokyo)
[Click here for a Time Zone Calculator]

Battle for Restuss

  • Added cantinas to both the Rebel and Imperial bases.
  • Reduced the amount of NPCs in Restuss.
  • Restuss commendation rewards will now be tradeable.
  • Space Mining missions can now be completed.
  • Space Quest NPCs will now correctly grant their quests in Restuss for space quests that are in your datapad, but not your quest journal.
  • Adjusted the experience point rewards for Restuss Phase 1 quests.
  • The Imperial commendation officer will now correctly give players the option to purchase the Restuss armor dye kit.
  • If a player is hacking the sensor array, only the player who is hacking the sensor array will get the "Failed override" system message.
  • Characters should no longer be stuck in the Restuss cloning facility after cloning.

Veteran Rewards

  • The Instant Travel Device no longer has collision.


Kurt "Thunderheart" Stangl
Community Relations Manager


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