Friday July 7, 2006

Yay the weekend is here! But before it gets started... Tarzen JungleBear (1 new Hib item!), Cilla (1 new Hib item!), Goingbald, Meri of Bedevere, Realmdeceiver WillCurseYouAll, Milenium of Merlin, and Cruisin of Morgan le Fey, thank you for your submissions of new and updated information! Now on with the weekend!

New Hibernia Items: Lurker BeltArazuul's Vengeance

New Midgard Mobs: Enthralled ZombieThorkatlaRufusSentry DwarnHrawn-MarrAskr-Marr
New Hibernia Mobs: Lich Lord ArazuulSiabra Runner

Updated Albion Items: Arcanium Conflagrant Short Sword (Alb)Arcanium Astral Plaguebringer (Alb)Lurker Belt (Alb)Cleric Dextera Mace
Updated Hibernia Items: Ring of Elemental Conflict (Hib)Arcanite Neriad Chitin Hauberk (magic)

Updated Midgard Mobs: Ond's MasterOndTe'BuiVixitrForgemaster MarikGuilakApprentice FrorikSlateBroken Tusk ShamanBloody Axe RegularScratchfootScratchfoot Hedge MageFrosty ColtBalleArgurSnaebjornPellinistraWind SpiritNimhAtzarHigh Lord ModolfrKing HresvelgrHresveigrHigh Lord TarnkappeLord UngarLord HuggtandLord BeteLord GifttandLord VildLord BrummaLord GrymThelodFaz
Updated Hibernia Mobs: Aibhaill TreeswornBrannigan
Updated All Realms Mobs: NightmareDoomed Marauder

Updated Hibernia Quests: Argent Arrowheads (Epic 2)Brannigan One Time DropObelisk Test
Updated Midgard Quests: Trustan's BelongingsMorana's Tunic

Updated Zones: Passage of Conflict

Updated Factions: VarulvArachiteSvartalfar OutcastsThe Svartalfar


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