Monday July 17, 2006

Much thanks to: Holbeird Amael (1 new Mid item and other goodies!), Nahkri, Etneasada of Guinevere, Goingbald, Schintok, Lauralyn of Merlin, Cilla, and vadim for their submissions this past weekend for today's update!

New Midgard Items: Malice's Hammer (Mid)
New Albion Mobs: Alcorn the AccursedHagatha
New Hibernia Mobs: Glitter

Updated Midgard Items: Arcanium Serpentine Great HammerArcanium Kirkleis's Helm (Mid)Arcanium War Axe of the DepthsArcanium Gloves of the Rebirth (Mid)Villianous Darkspire Ringed Sleeves

Updated Midgard Mobs: Ibicus
Updated Hibernia Mobs: Disturbed Gladiator (Hib)
Updated All Realms Mobs: Field Marshall NebirChaths's PawnChaths's BishopChaths's Rook

Updated Albion Quests: Contyth's Hammer
Updated Hibernia Quests: The West WindTraces of the Mad ChanglingsMissing TapestryRock CollectionPerilous PoisonDeep Fried Spider LegsIn the Mouth of the LabyrinthEvil OozeQueen's Labyrinth ScoutingAiding Guardian ValrynThe Missing WatcherInnis Island Upkeep
Updated Midgard Quests: IbicusBimble's BootsSergeant Gonnik's Requisition
Updated Cross-Realm Quests: Malice's Axe


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