Saturday July 22, 2006

Huge thanks to: Thorious Novex (15 new Alb items and other goodies!), Areopagita (1 new Alb item!), Heartof Lothian, Goingbald, schwix, and Sorvendall for thier send-in's for this update!

New Albion Items: Defender of Arawn JewelThunderer Cymric Leather Gloves (u)Sturdy Barbed Whip (u)Speedy Fluted Plate Greaves (u)Speedy Fluted Full Helm (u)Edgebender Lucerne Hammer (u)Bladeblocker War Mattock (u)Adroit Fluted Breastplate (u)Speedy Ring (Alb) (u)Speedy Chainmail Boots (u)Protector's Fluted Breastplate (u)Mighty Short Sword (Alb) (u)Icebender Chainmail Hauberk (u)Heatbender Ring (Alb) (u)Fortifying Fluted Plate Vambraces (u)Edgebender Fluted Plate Gauntlets (u)
New Midgard Items: Witch Blade

New Albion Mobs: ReanimanPatrolling BladeDark Arawnite
New Hibernia Mobs: Woodland GuardGlitter AlterimageSpirit of AdavarSpirit of PlowerUndead Druid (Gaheris)Undead MinonUndead Ranger

Updated Albion Items: Boots of Clandestine RitesRobe of Clandestine RitesSleeves of Clandestine RitesLeggings of Clandestine RitesCrown of Clandestine RitesGloves of Clandestine RitesShredded Footman's CloakSacristan Coward's BeltRotted Ebon Skeleton TibiaDecayed Water OrbBlackened Arcanium SlicerXanxicar's RemainsIcebender Pendant (Alb) (u)Apocalypse Chest Piece
Updated Midgard Items: Jotun Black Orm Boots
Updated Hibernia Items: Radiant Leggings
Updated All Items: Shield of Khaos, 3 of 3 ; Excalibur's Scabbard Fragment

Updated Albion Mobs: Corpse MoldLegionnaireEbon SkeletonLegionnaire CommanderHagatha
Updated Midgard Mobs: Broken Jotun
Updated Hibernia Mobs: GlitterLich Lord Arazuul
Updated All Realms Mobs: Centaur Patroller

Updated Albion Quests: Drakoran Skirmisher Heads -- Kill TaskRotted Corpse Delver Eye -- Kill TaskClosing the Way (Epic 6)Decayed Water Orb -- Kill TaskSearch for SilWhat's Your Focus?Cynewulf the Ghostwalker One Time Drop
Updated Midgard Quests: Foray into NyttheimSentry Siegledar's OfferSergeant Gonnik's RequisitionStolen SuppliesVasjus' Trapped SoulClearing the WayGlashtin RescueCrazed DerlDarkwood Leather Bags


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