Monday July 31, 2006

Much thanks to: Thorious Novex (8 new Alb items and other goodies!!!), Cilla (1 new Hib item!), and Cottiod the Bainshee for their submissions this past weekend for today's update!

New Albion Items: Fortifying Quilted Hat (Alb) (u)Thunderer Staff (Alb) (u)Thrustbender Siluric Leather Leggings (u)Tensile Round Shield (Alb) (u)Speedy Hammer (Alb) (u)Rejuvenating Mail Coif (u)Honed Hooded Mantle (Alb) (u)Energybender Long Sword (Alb) (u)
New Hibernia Items: Edgebender Short Sword (Hib) (u)

Updated Albion Items: Enchanted Tinderbox (Alb)Windchaser Naihera's RemainsSpeedy Cymric Leather Gloves (u)Adroit Gem (Alb) (u)
Updated Midgard Items: Subterrestrial Chain BootsGoblin Chainmail of DefenseHardened Stone Axe
Updated Hibernia Items: Grovewood BarkSilverhand Truemail SleevesReinforced Truemail SleevesJewel Spiked VestCloak of Warfare TalentGranidon HideBelt of Lost LorePrincely Elven SpearPrincely Elven Rapier
Updated All Items: Peridas' Might

Updated Albion Mobs: Forgemaster GomagatsuHaunted Defender of ArawnLarge Flatland BounderEllyll WindchaserRavenclan GiantLegionnaire DefenderWindchaser NaiheraLegionnaireEllyll FroglordEllyll ChampionSir Dorian
Updated Hibernia Mobs: Unseelie HenchmanThraOak Man (Hib)Traitor GynFinliathGranidonCrown Prince Fiach

Updated Albion Quests: Search for Sil
Updated Hibernia Quests: For Your ConsiderationThe Wayward SonGnome Away From HomeGrovewood Bark -- Kill TaskGranidon Hide -- Kill TaskConspiracy: Rite of Binding (Chapter 2:2)Rebellion: Among the Dissidents (Chapter 1:4)
Updated Midgard Quests: Taking Back the ToolsScouting the GnollsMole Hunt
Updated Cross-Realm Quests: Orion's Belt

Updated Factions: EllyllonTylwyth TegGwalchmai


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