Wednesday August 2, 2006

Mid-week update for ya:

New Albion Items: Alcorn's StaffAlcorn's Robe
New Midgard Items: Ragnarok Composite BowBaldur's SwordBaldur's HammerBaldur's Arm Guards
New Hibernia Items: Wraith Apprentice BeltSash of DexterityCrystalline Sap RingArcanite Slag Befouled Leggings (Hib)Braided Lion's Tail Bloody WreathArazuul's WraithRadiant Chest PieceRadiant Arm GuardsHaunting Arm GuardsHaunting Chest Piece

Updated Albion Items: Goblin Gem of DeceptionRadiant Azure Defender
Updated Midgard Items: Frozen Jotun BladeRagnarok LeggingsBaldur's Hauberk
Updated Hibernia Items: Waterspun Belt of the HiddenDarkguard RingHauberk of Demonic Intent (Hib)Thick Uaimh Phantom HideSilksteel Shadow-bound Pants (Hib)Tempered Blood Ash SleevesGovannon Silvery CircletWelkin BootsHard Wooden ShoesVirulent Sporite BootsEarth-Enshrouded GauntletsLustrous Crude Silk GlovesArazuul's VengeanceArazuul's SmiteRadiant LeggingsHaunting LeggingsHaunting Robe
Updated All Items: Filigree Antalya RingTarnished Ring of OldMerlin's Staff FragmentThor's Hammer FragmentHorn of Valhalla FragmentLug's Spear FragmentCauldron of Dagda Fragment

Updated Albion Mobs: Alcorn the Accursed
Updated Hibernia Mobs: Corrupt Primal of WaterPrince BreandanLich Lord ArazuulGlitter
Updated All Realms Mobs: Vazul

Updated Hibernia Quests: The Sword of Cuchulainn (Epic 2)The Elf Lord's Vengeance (Epic 5)
Updated Cross-Realm Quests: Sekhmet's MessengerJashan's Brother


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