Monday August 7, 2006

Welcome to the Monday update! Thanks to: cillaofgold (2 new quests!), Aubbergimp FishingForStealthers (2 new items & other goodies!), tasz (1 new item!), Kirsteg (1 new Mid item!), Santalador, and Goingbald, for sending in information and images for new/updated items and quests this past weekend!

New Albion Items: Cycloptic Shield (Alb)
New Midgard Items: Dingy Supply Chest KeyRing of Kinship (acu)Enchanted Tinderbox (Mid)
New All Items: Arawn's Essence

New Hibernia Quests: Antron Marauder Head -- Kill Task
New Cross-Realm Quests: Moray Eel Eye -- Kill Task

Updated Albion Items: Silksteel Sleeves of Soundless OblivionGuard of Valor (Alb) (cloth)Snakecharmer's Whip
Updated Midgard Items: Marsh Lord's RingRing of Kinship (str/qui)
Updated All Items: Kalare's NecklaceA Healers EmbraceThe Scorpions TailZahur's Ring

Updated Albion Mobs: RawrSofianHardinArawn's WrathMaster Naru
Updated Midgard Mobs: Darkwood DisciplinarianOutcast Broken Tusk CutterGlashtin Surveyor (Mid)Glashtin Watchman (Mid)Glashtin Attendant (Mid)RothoWerewolf ScavengerWading BoobrieForgemaster Vronk
Updated Hibernia Mobs: MalaneBarrick (Hib)Terracite Trapper (Hib)
Updated All Realms Mobs: Forest CatLarge RatMoray EelAntron MarauderMarquis SabonachPrincess NahemahOlmagion

Updated Albion Quests: Prelude to WarThe Riches of Atlantis
Updated Hibernia Quests: Strange Bedfellows (Hib)Black Plague (Hib)
Updated Midgard Quests: Find the EnemyFurf's RewardGuarded HopeTranslating the PlansFavor for the GuardsCaptain's OrdersGrim InterrogationDelivery from DargAncestral SecretsHidden MapsDiscipline Problem
Updated Cross-Realm Quests: Cyclops Eye ShieldSpear of Kings


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