Monday August 14, 2006

Major thanks and appreciation goes out to: Thorious Novex (29 new items & other goodies!!!), difdi, Mojahedin, Caldar of Lamorak, and Katharos Atheros of Deira for their send-in's tis past weekend for today's update!!

And now for a site note: This will be the last update to the site for the next 2 wks, give or take a day or two. I'm off to go spawn a little mob of my own, this mob is a rare mob with a slow spawn timer (he's 2wks late!). We know he will con gray to us, but with the rumors of the AE and PBAOE spell effects this mob has, has us thinking it will be a gray con that may kick our arse!

While I'm away Kaolian and Darqflame have volunteered to post any DAoC news that may pop up (Herald news and the like and any expansion news that may be released (looking forward to this!)). Please don't let my absence deter you from sending in new and updated game information. The more submissions I have waiting for me to enter the easier my transition of learning how to balance a newborn and updates, and will most likely prompt me to post an update sooner next week rather than later. =o)

And now on with the Monday update. Enjoy!

New Albion Items: Windbound Invoker Staff (Alb) (u)Whirling Mail Gloves (u)Sundering Scaled Plate Greaves (u)Spiritbender Rapier (Alb) (u)Spiritbender Cloak (Alb) (u)Soul Taker Flanged Mace (u)Phasebound Focus Invoker Staff (Alb) (u)Perforator Cloak (Alb) (u)Lifetaker Cymric Leather Helm (u)Icebender Bracelet (Alb) (u)Honed Scaled Half-helm (u)Heatbender Mail Leggings (u)Glib Choker (Alb) (u)Fortifying Hooded Mantle (Alb) (u)Flameborn Wrap (Alb) (u)Energybender Plain Robe (Alb) (u)Elemental OrbEdgebender Dagger (Alb) (u)Decimator Spiked Hammer (u)Decimator Bracelet (Alb) (u)Thrustbender Cymric Leather Gloves (u)Bodybender Halberd (u)Bluntbender Gem (Alb) (u)Battering Hammer (Alb) (u)Battering Fluted Full Helm (u)Battering Flanged Mace (u)Shimmering Adroit Chain (Alb) (u)
New Midgard Items: Farbjodr's Remains
New All Items: Scorched Key

Updated Albion Items: Tree-Moss Gauntlets (Alb)Speedy Fluted Plate Vambraces (u)Brimstone Short Sword of AnarchyShadowwalker Bow (Alb) (u)Regal JerkinMighty Stiletto (Alb) (u)Gem of the DespoiledFortifying Choker (Alb) (u)Edgebender Bracelet (Alb) (u)Skin CreamPeallaidh HideDiamond MattockDanaoin Harvest ListBladeblocker Great Hammer (Alb) (u)Astaroth's Remains
Updated Midgard Items: Malefic ToothThick White PeltScroll of Eternal SorrowDrakulv ScaleBlack Orm GlandBanahogg's Remains
Updated Hibernia Items: Katorii's Phantom RingKatorii's Demon-Bound Girdle (Hib)Arcanite Flamespark Great SwordGlimmering GemGlowing Veined StoneTeugmhail's Remains
Updated All Items: Ribbon of FleshHelenia's Letter, 3 of 3Loukas' Journal, volume 1 of 3Bence's Letter, 3 of 3King's Vase, piece 2 of 3Wooden Triptych, part 3 of 3Kath GemMau Mane HairCold Water Stingray Barb

Updated Albion Mobs: Hunter DerwynOccupantForgotten Soul (Alb)Granddaddy LonglegsEllyll ExplorerLegionnaire DefenderDry'ak HalberdierDrakoran GuardsmanEllyll GuardWi'voron AdvisorDrau'gyn OccupierEllyll FroglordDry'ak Venur
Updated Midgard Mobs: Farbjodr
Updated Hibernia Mobs: ScuttleClodaghQueen CliodnaScar-nose
Updated All Realms Mobs: Anubite Hesen NeteriAnubite MerzaueAnubite Biannia Neteri

Updated Albion Quests: Kindred of the FallenUnder Where?Danaoin Harvest List -- Kill Task
Updated Midgard Quests: Black Orm Gland -- Kill Task


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# Aug 14 2006 at 3:13 PM Rating: Excellent
Bad j00 j00
2,159 posts
It's about time, Maia! You've been camping that spawn long enough.

We'll see you when you get back... with lots of pictures, right?
# Aug 14 2006 at 3:16 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts

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