Stratics House of Commons SWG Developer Chat: Wednesday, August 30th


Join us once again for our monthly Star Wars Galaxies House of Commons Chat!

Kid, I've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other. I've seen a lot of strange stuff, but I've never seen anything to make me believe there's one all-powerful force controlling everything. There's no mystical energy field that controls my destiny.  It's all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense.

- - Han Solo, A New Hope

Here's how to get involved!


What we'll be discussing:

Our main topics for this Dev Chat will be:

  • Officer Expertise
  • Smuggler Expertise
  • Smuggler System


The chat will be Wednesday, August 30th at 5:00 PM PDT / 7:00 PM CST / 8:00 PM EDT / Midnight UTC/GMT.


Log on to your trusty IRC program and log into the #StraticsHoC channel on Stratics IRC.


Joining is easy! Just connect through Stratics' handy Java client, which may be found right here . You must have Java installed on your computer to use this, which can be downloaded from the Java website .

If you prefer the old fashioned way to connect to Stratics IRC, y ou can connect to the Stratics Chat servers through the use of your favorite IRC client, such as mIRC, ircle, xchat, or whichever you prefer.

Connect to port 6668 or whichever server is closest to you:

  • port 6668, USA - Colorado
  • port 6668, USA - Colorado
  • port 6668, EU - Germany
  • 6668, USA - Atlanta

See you there!

How to ask questions at the chat:

1. Get your questions ready and join the chat.

2. When it's time for the chat, log in and wait for the event to start. Our fine stratics hosts will begin the chat and then you can ask your questions.

3. Use IRC messaging to send your questions to the moderators. The moderators will choose questions based on the current topics (see the chat details).

4. Type /msg [QT]NICKNAME Your question here. 

Please send questions only to the QT's (moderators) because questions sent to anyone other than the QT's will not make it into the lineup.

Kurt "Thunderheart" Stangl
Community Relations Manager


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