Pendragon 1.50 I (Letter i)

This update fixes a lot of the concerns and bugs that cropped up from last week's Realm Ability system introduction. Please note that there is new and up-to-date Realm Ability Documentation on the Camelot Herald. Please read it thoroughly, although this version does allow players to respec their Realm Abilities twice in their career. This version also has the definitive statement about Assassins and remaining stealthed on one-shot kills. ======================================= Dark Age of Camelot Test Version 1.50I Release Notes ======================================= ASSASSINS AND "ONE SHOT" KILLS Up until last Tuesday, Assassin characters were able to remain hidden if they killed their target in one shot. This "ability" has been in the game since the inception of Critical Strike Combat Styles. However, we never intended for it to work that way - it is generally not a good game dynamic to have stealthed characters killing people and not becoming visible. Some assassins (not all, just some) were abusing this "ability" to one-shot kill "gray" level enemies and kill them with no chance of being found. But, at the time that we found out that assassins were able to do this, the assassin classes as a whole were still a bit underpowered, so we made the choice not to fix the bug. As most assassins know, in the 1.50 patch, we inadvertently fixed the "one shot kill but remaining stealthed" bug (by fixing a few bugs relating to hidden players attacking monsters). Now that assassin characters are no longer underpowered, and no longer need any additional advantages, we have decided to keep this fix in. So, assassins will no longer be able to remain stealthed after one-shot kills. Assassins will still be able to kill some lower level (and probably "blue" level mages) characters in one shot, but no longer will they be able to do this with the impunity that they have enjoyed. NEW THINGS AND BUG FIXES - New and more complete documentation for Realm Skills is up on the Camelot Herald. - In a previous character conversion, Archer classes were inadvertantly granted Safe Fall V at 50th level, which is an assassin-only skill. It has been removed from all archers that had it. - 50th level characters should now have their Guild Titles. - Stun spells are no longer "un-resistable". In some cases, you would get a message when casting a stun spell on a monster that it had resisted your spell; and then the stun would stick anyway. This has been fixed. - Ground Target area effect spells will no longer damage siege equipment and doors as much as they previously did. - Hidden players can now trigger runes and be hit by volley. - There was a bug where using a combat style with about 30% of your endurance would lead to a message saying that you didn't have enough endurance to perform the style, even though you did. This bug has been fixed. - Slightly decreased casting time on Shaman Cave spec Grasping Creepers line. - Disease spells have had their values tweaked. RvR effectiveness of the strength debuff has been increased, and the PvE effectiveness should be the same. The snare component of disease will work on players, but does not currently work on monsters. - Concentration points will no longer be "used" if the spell does not cast on its target because that target already had that same buff. REALM ABILITIES NOTES - The ability to respec Realm Abilities is in. You can respec Realm Abilities at level 20 and level 40. Use the "/respec" command to do this. Please note that you can only use this command when you are near your class trainer. - Purge and Group Purge should now properly remove all bad effects from yourself (and group members, for group purge). - Falcon's Eye will now function correctly - previously it didn't help (or hinder) your chance to get a critcal hit. - Realm Ability combat styles have had their bonus damages normalized to a 4 second weapons. Because these types of styles do not take endurance, they were penalizing fast weapon users. Now everyone does the same bonus damage no matter what speed weapon they are using. - Realm Ability Combat Styles have had their timers reduced to 10 minutes (previously they were usable every 15 minutes). - Siege Bolt now has a normal range. Previously, it could be used from any range. - Severing the Tether now is area-effect and will turn enemy pets against their owners. - Changed Mastery of Concentration realm ability to last 15 seconds instead of 60, but it now gives a greater chance to avoid interruption. Note that this ability is dependent on the level of your attacker. A red monster will still be very difficult to cast spells on. - Mastery of the Arcane now boosts run speed chants. Buffs boosted by this ability are still under the existing spell caps, however. - The Brilliant Aura of Deflection should give the proper level of bonus now, and is not capped. - Avoidance of Magic is now outside the normal resistance bonus caps. - Realm ability Mastery of Pain is now based on Augmented Dexterity. - Realm ability First Aid has had its effect increased. - Realm ability Ignore Pain is no longer a complete heal. It has 3 levels, like First Aid, and heals for slightly less than First Aid per level. - Realm ability Thornweed Field has had its damage per tick increased. - Realm ability Mastery of Water has had its effectiveness increased from 3% to 5% per level. - Realm ability Regeneration has had its effect increased. - Realm ability Bladedance has had its damage changed so that it is more effective and scales with level. OBJECT NOTES We have begun to weed out items that have invalid skill bonuses or stat increases that are not useful. This is the first batch of fixes, and we will be continuing to fix these types of problems on an on-going basis. The majority of these items had evade, bow skill, and/or were paladin items with chants or piety. None of these bonuses helped anyone, so they were changed. There are also a few other item fixes in here. Enjoy. - Padded leather robes can now be dyed. - Regal robes can now be dyed. - All albion level 50 vests have been converted to a robe. - Tundra Walker's Mantle can now take dyes and emblems. - Helm of vision now has a studded helm graphic. - Giant gutter had the phantom proc ability removed. - Valor bound spear now has a constitution bonus rather than charisma. - The Truesilver kite shield had the second body resist changed to spirit. - Robes of Celerity now increase parry instead of evade. - The Lynx Spider Jerkin, had the invalid backstab increase changed to critical strike. - The Ruined Roman Helm had the piety removed and replaced with strength. - The Skull of Aer'ambor had the piety removed and replaced with constitution. - The Slythcur cloak now increases critical strike and stealth instead of evade. - Studded Fae boots now increase stealth instead of evade. - Bounder Fur boots now increase stealth instead of evade. - The Girdle of catlike movement now increases critical strike instead of evade. - The Hollow plate helm now increases strength instead of piety. - Boots of the Agile evader now increase stealth instead of evade and were renamed to Boots of the Slinker. - Forest Hunter's Boots now increase hit points instead of evade. - The Kraggon Worm Helm had the piety and chants removed and replaced with constitution and hit points. - The Frosted Plate Helm had piety and chants removed and replaced with parry and dexterity. - The Ghoul Knight helm had the piety removed and replaced with strength. - The Bear Mask had the Berserk replaced with parry. - Mourning Rage had its berserk skill replaced with axe. - The Boots of Loki had the evade skill replaced with strength. - The boots, Dancing Evaders had the evade skill replaced with stealth and were renamed Boots of Stealthy Evasion. - The Black Night Cloak had the evade skill removed and replaced with critical strike. It was renamed Cloak of Night. - The Serpent Hide helm had the berserk removed and replaced, the item also had unusable entries changed. - The Runed Clay boots now increase stealth instead of evade. - Supple Serpent hide boots now increase stealth instead of evade. - The Supple Serpent hide helm now increases dexterity instead of berserk and had unusable entries changed. - Jotun Black Orm Boots now increase Matter resist instead of evade. - Brendig's Belt now increases Critical Strike instead of evade. - Pillager's boots now increase constitution instead of evade. - Boots of the Frenzied bear now increase strength instead of evade and berserk. - Shadowhand's Cloak now increases critical strike instead of evade. - The Windbound Cloak now increases stealth instead of evade. - The Lion Embossed Helm now increases hit points instead of chants piety and charisma. - The Forester's Helm now increases Longbow instead of evade. - The Ancient Helm now increases constitution instead of piety. - Bloodied Leather Boots now increase stealth instead of evade. - Spirit Fighters Robes now increase parry instead of evade. - Redoubled Leggings now increase strength instead of piety. - The Flute of Displacement increases stealth instead of evade. - The Heavy Pull short bow had the bow skill increases removed and replaced with dexterity. - Cath Gloves had the parry increases removed and dispersed to critical strike and envenom. - The Formorian Short bow had the bow skill increase removed and replaced with quickness. - The Splintered Mephit Femur had the invalid backstab skill increase replaced with critical strike. - The Kedger Short Bow had the bow skill increase replaced with dexterity. - Idolator Boots now increase stealth instead of evade. - Earth Crafted Molded Boots now increase stealth instead of evade. - The Earthen Defender now has additional blade skill instead of evade. - Boots of the Wicked Evader now increase stealth instead of evade and were renamed Boots of the Wicked. - Kedger's Gilded Boots now increase dexterity instead of evade. - Master Nightshade's Necklace now increases critical strike instead of evade. - The Ore Bow now increases dexterity instead of bow skill. - The Hardended Short Bow now increases dexterity instead of bow skill. - The Belt of Misdirection now increases quickness instead of evade. - The Vest of Dislocation now increases stealth instead of evade. - The Worn Asterite Shod Short Bow now increases dexterity instead of bow skill. - The Fine Asterite Shod Short Bow now increases dexterity instead of bow skill. - Musty leather boots now increase stealth instead of evade. - Observer Boots now increase quickness instead of evade. - The Tainted Avernal Breastplate now increases strength instead of piety. - Tainted Avernal Gauntlets now increase strength instead of piety. - The Tainted Avernal Helm now increases strength instead of piety. - The Tainted Demon-forged Breastplate now increases quickness instead of piety. - Tainted Demon-forged Gauntlets now increase constitution instead of piety. - The Tainted Demon-forged Helm now increases constitution instead of piety. - The Abysmal Breastplate now increases contitution instead of piety. - Abysmal Plate Gauntlets now increases strength instead of piety. - The Abysmal Plate helm now increases hit points instead of piety. - The Maligned Avernal Short Bow now further increases dexterity and quickness instead of bow skill. - Stonewatch Gauntlets now increase strength instead of piety. - The Helm of the Malevolent now increases hit points instead of piety. - The Avernal Maligned Short Bow now increases quickness instead of bow skill. - The Acursed Demon Short Bow now further increases dexterity instead of bow skill. - The Infernal Malison Short Bow now increases quickness instead of bow skill. - The Goblin Archer Short Bow now increases quickness instead of bow skill. - The Flawed Runic Short Bow now increases Dexterity instead of bow skill. - The Runic Bow now increases dexterity instead of bow skill. - The Truesilver short bow now increases dexterity instead of bow skill. - The Bow of the Silver Talon now increases quickness instead of bow skill. - The Nightshade's Jewel had the bonuses changing to something more appropriate. - The Eldritch class armor now has more resists.


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