Realm Abilities Info

A couple of Realm Abilities posts on the Herald, all together here =) In the new realm ability documents, the new Friar, Scout and Hunter realm ability lists had some missing skills (or in the case of the Friar, an extra skill which gave them the ability to buff their nonexistent pets) which were replaced this morning. There were no realm skills removed from any classes - this was purely a typographical error made when migrating the new skill descriptions. Apologies for any confusion. AND Reallocation... In the patch notes is a statement regarding allowing people to redo their realm skill abilities. It seems to be causing some confusion, so let's try to make things clearer. There are two sorts of "respec" options we are working on at here at Mythic. One is allowing players to reduce a specialization line to zero, and reallocate those points (earned when you level) any way they choose. This option is not in the game yet. The other sort, the reallocation of realm ability points (earned through RVR combat), is going live tomorrow. Originally, we decided to throw in a one time only do-over, as our way of apologizing to the early adopters who chose their realm abilities without benefit of clear documentation. After further consideration, we decided to go ahead and allow players the freedom to experiment and to make mistakes from this point on, a much more flexible system than a one time only do-over. (Unlike spec points, which zeroes out a spec line, the realm skills reallocation will zero out every choice you made, and give you all the points back.) So, we're doing the realm abilities reallocation the same way we're doing the respec - players have the option of redoing their spent points at two times in a character's lifespan. Those two points are level 20 and beyond, and level 40 and beyond. If you happen to be level 21, or 33, or whatever, you haven't used your level 20 reallocation yet, and you'll get your do-over tomorrow as we planned all along. No matter what you did over the weekend, you still get your ability wipe as we promised. If you're level 40 or beyond, you have TWO free reallocations "in reserve" as it were. The only change to our previous plan is that all future players will be able to reset their points as well as the players who happened to be online tomorrow. It just seemed like the most fair thing to do. The important thing to remember is that on Friday we told everyone that we would be wiping your Realm Abiltiies and letting you re-spec them. This system does that, but doesn't penalize the players who DON'T want to re-spec - and then additionally gives everyone one more chance to respec at a later level.


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