To Be or Not To Be

There seems to be a Lurikeen Uprising and a Kobold Insurrection occuring on Guinevere! I talked with several of the "bolds" last evening and it seems to be a great idea. This all started when a guild of Lurikeens was created and you can only join if you are a "keen" and have "keen" at the end of your name, example: "somethingkeen". They do have a few firbolg slaves, that must be named "somethingbolg". Of course Midgard didn't want to be left out and I am sure they were tired of being attacked by things they could barely see, so thus the creation of a purely Kobold guild. Following the trend, you must be a Kobold and have the name "somethingbold". At last glance before I logged last night, there were over 150 of them online. From the information given to me there are near 300 enlisted. After some more investigating and a lot of message board reading, I have found some posts and images I thought you may want to view! Multiple Views of LU LU and KI rocks thread Lurikeen Uprising Invites Kobold Insurrection Forms


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