Warning: Scam Alert!

As we, here at Allakhazam, have been telling you for months...please be wary of your e-mail! The following is what Sanya posted in the Camelot Herald this morning. You open your email, you see an email with Mythic Entertainment in the "from" box. Only, it's not from us. For one thing, we don't use Hotmail. For another thing, we know how to spell "successful." Here's the text of the letter some people have received. The following is a SCAM. It is NOT from us:
"Dear Dark Age of Camelot customer, Earlier this morning someone unsucessfully tried to log into your account more than 15 times. It is our job at Mythic to let the owner of the account know if someone had tried to log into the account 15 or more times unsucessfully. In this situation we give the owner the choice to block the ability of changing the password for a day just in case the person is sucessfull. To do this we need to verify that you are the original owner of the account. To do this we need: Account name: Password: Secret word: If we do not get this information we will be forced to suspend the account until further notice. We are doing this for the safety of your account. Thank you and we are sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused you. Sincerely, Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support"
Y'all, PLEASE don't answer these emails. We will never, ever ask you for your password. We may rarely ask for your secret word, but that will only happen after you initiate a customer service call to us. If you fell for this scam, please do not be embarrassed. Contact our customer service team immediately. This is the same for us...please, if you have questions, e-mail us and ask. It is hilarious when I get an e-mail from myself! So, if you get one with this address, please check the header, or just trash it. We don't send out attachments either, unless extremely important, and contacted by you first.


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