Chapter 6 Update

I wanted to drop a quick announcement to the community about the status of Chapter 6 going to live.  We will be publishing an update to the test centers early tomorrow with some final changes (the reversion of the self-heal changes and other tweaks) and if it all checks out, this is the version that will go live.  We are excited about this chapter and anxious to get this into the hands of the broader player base, but not until we feel we have hit our goals.  I think we are there, but only by getting it to the TC's and allowing QA to regress all the systems will we be sure.  If all goes well we are still on track for release this week.

I know that not everyone will feel that all of their individual issues have been addressed, but I do not think any game can achieve that level of agreement. What we do hope is that everyone sees this chapter as a great addition to the game and that all types of players will find something new and appealing to do in the game. I appreciate your patience in this process, and I urge the testing community to really beat on this version to make sure we have a solid update to SWG.



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