Nym's Anniversary Bash

Nym's Anniversary Bash
May 23 - June 25, 2007


Nym is throwing a party and everyone is invited! Join the festivities at Nym's Stronghold from May 23 to June 25. Dance the night away to the melodies of Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes band, socialize with friends, and browse the complimentary wares of Nym's Anniversary Quartermaster.

No party is complete without punch and cake, so visit the Quartermaster to take a swig of Lokkian Booster Blast, taste the sweet Anniversary Cake, set off gigantic fireworks, and more!

The Quartermaster also offers a rare painting commissioned to mark this historic occasion. Hang this one-of-a-kind painting in your house to let everyone know that you attended the party of a lifetime.

You can find Nym's Anniversary Quartermaster in Nym's Stronghold on Lok, the Restuss Starport on Rori, the Coronet Starport on Corellia, the Theed Starport on Naboo, and the Mos Eisley Starport on Tatooine.

A unique badge will also be given to all players who attend Nym's Anniversary Bash, so be sure to stop by the social event of the galaxy.


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