House Packup event postponed until June 12th


We have decided to postpone for one week the House Pack-Up event until Tuesday, June 12th.  We still have a few open bugs with vendor pack-up (vendor pack-up working completely is one of the requirements for this event). While these problems are edge cases, meaning that they would happen only in odd circumstances, they are still possible and we certainly do not want to have folks lose their stuff during this event.  I know that many guilds and other groups have been planning there strategies for the event, so I wanted to give folks a heads-up now to give them time to adjust their plans.

We will be adding an new step to the overall process as well.  We plan on Thursday next week to 'unabandon' all structures belonging to those players that have resubscribed during the special trial period.  This should give people plenty of time to check their structures and be sure that there are no errors in the houses to be packed.  We are also planning to release a hotfix next Tuesday, June 5th, which address some of the current issues on live.

Once again, we are sorry that we need to postpone the event for a bit, and I hope that people can adjust their plans accordingly.  We will always strive to error on the side of caution when dealing with things as important as player items in the game. 

Thank you  and have a great weekend,



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