House Packup for Tuesday June 12th Postponed


I am sorry to say that we will once again be postponing the House Pack-up event that was scheduled for next Tuesday, June 12th.  We have addressed most of the issues that had been giving us problems in House and Vendor pack-up, but there was still a few cases and situations that were arising that made me uncomfortable with going live.  This is unfortunate to say the least, but we refuse to release anything to live that could cause problems and detract from the positive trend we have in stability and quality.

We expect to have the issues resolved soon, but because of the complexity and importance of getting this right, we have decided that we will be doing a live test-run of the entire system on TestCenter (the old one with the frogs), which we will reopen for this test.  The TestCenter database includes a large number of player structures that would qualify under the parameters of the event and this should allow us to feel confident that we had it all tight before releasing to live.  There really in no way of accurately testing these systems without a large number of players hitting them at the same time.

The plan is to bring up TestCenter for a day first with all structures the qualify marked as abandoned.  This should give players time to scout out their targets and also allow folks who want to give it a try to setup a new 'toon.  Then the next day we will bounce the servers and enable the event itself and players will be able to pack houses and factories (and call in the air strikes of course).  If that all goes well we will enable the event on the live servers.

The plan at this point is to have TestCenter brought up for this event towards the end of next week. I know that people are anxious to get this thing going and I apologize for the delay. Please be assured that we all want this to happen, we just want it to be right.

Lorin W. Jameson (DeadMeat)
Producer, Star Wars Galaxies, SOE


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