Darkflame's Roundtable Review

Let me start by thanking Mythic for a great time. They pulled off a near flawless job. Of course I would not have known otherwise, but someone slipped and mentioned it, heh. And I am excitedly awaiting the next Roundtable event. Since there are QUITE A FEW multiples in names at Mythic, I will refer to each with a last name or initial if at all possible. Images will be accessed by clicking the description link, that will help those that do not want to view them all, or can't download easily. There are some miscellaneous pix throughout as well. Now on to the goods... 9:00am Registration and Welcome The registration went by fairly quick, I vote next time the hotel supply us with entrance to the conference hall or some chairs, as I was one of the first to arrive and it was a long wait on that hard floor. At registration we received a bag of goodies, including a Washington D.C Roundtable t-shirt and a DAoC knot decal. We were also supplied with a listing of the days events. 10:00am Keynote Speech Mark Jacobs, president of Mythic Entertainment, entertained us with a few comments and welcome. 10:15am Shrouded Isles Matt Firor (pronounced FY-ROR), producer of Mythic Entertainment, requested politely that no images be taken at this time, which I complied and stowed my camera. I took many notes in the questing journal that also came in our bag of goodies. I am listing the information as presented. Key points from my scribbled notes:
  • New Graphics Engine that will utilize NetImmerse 4.x series
  • On card texture management
  • Mip-mapping to reduce sparkle
  • Animation blending
  • More reflective surfaces, ie. water, armor, and ice
  • Water will have ripples and flow downstream
  • Will be able to go underwater
  • New Terrain
  • New island continents
  • Six zones per isle WITH one major city each realm
  • Two new dungeons each realm
  • THE ISLANDS...(one each) - Hibernia: Island of Hy Brasil This is the origin of the Firbolg, and was a wooded paradise taken over by crazy deformed Fomorians. The Sylvan ask the Hibernians for help to eradicate the Formorians. - Albion: Island of Avalon The Drakoran, half man-half dragon, have taken over Avalon. Avalon City is a smoking ruin and the Drakoran are in league with Morgan le Fay. Arawn, Lord of the Dead is the leader of the Inconnu and they want to get Avalon City back. - Midgard: Island of Aegir Trolls and Kobold originated from here and is known as the home of the Troll Fathers. The Morvaltar, prehistoric humans have taken over Trollheim, the Troll city, and the clan called Valkyn, want them out! THE RACES... (one each) -Sylvan They have a special affinity with nature, sport bark like skin and have hair the color of leaves. - Valkyn These individuals are sinewy and dexterous, however, prehistoric and savage. They resemble Neanderthals and combat will consist of hand to hand skills. - Inconnu Small gremlin-like albino type underground race, they have white eyes and blue skin. They are servants of Arawn, Lord of the Dead. THE CLASSES...(two each) - Hibernian
  • Animist
  • mage-like with connection to plant life
  • Valewalker
  • mage/melee type that uses a scythe type weapon - Midgardian
  • Bonedancer
  • caster type with skeleton pets and bone weapons
  • Savage
  • light tank, uses hand-to-hand, and has specialized weapons, ie. claws, brass knuckles, etc. - Albionian
  • Necromancer
  • chain wearing cleric, utilizes one-hand slash and undead pets
  • Raven
  • necromancer/melee hybrid, chanting for combat 11:00am Spellcrafting This long awaited information was presented by Spyke Alexander, Erik Krebs (aka Archon), and Dave. I had my camera out and took notes for this one! Spellcraft is for pure casters only. Alchemy will be available for hybrids and rogues. Each is a subset of the other. You will be able to add to current drops with spellcrafting and alchemy, however, there will be stat caps. Each item will also have maximum points associated with them. You will be able to /enchant items, this can also be accomplished in trade windows as is done with /repair. The new repair window, when available, will include spellcraft and alchemy as well. It will be easy to manipulate, especially for those that are unsure, or change their minds easily. Spellcraft
  • The art of imbuing - Stats - Skills - Resistance - Hit points - Power - Magic Bonus - Special Recipes Spellcraft Recipes * Elemental Based Tempers
  • - Leviathan blood - Draconic fire * Magic Dusts - Ground giant bone - Essence of life * Power GemAlchemy
  • The art of transmutation
  • - Dyes - Poisons - Magic potions / poisons - Charged spells - Procs - Particle effects - Special recipes Alchemy Recipes * Poisons - Herb or animal component - Binding agent - Vial - Mortar and pestle * Dyes - Alum, Tartaric acid, and Cloisonne - Water / glass for enamels - Vial - Herbs / magical dusts * Magic potions, magic poisons, procs, particle effects, charged spells - Reagent - Vial - Herb / Animal component - Mortar and pestle WHEN YOU SAY? This was not promised but..."our goal is to put both Spellcrafting and Alchemy on test by August 1, 2002." Planned Extras
  • Player merchants near the crafting area - crafters can place items on the merchant and set the price
  • Stacks - stacks will be able to be split, and manipulated better than they currently can
  • Crafter Vaults - possibility of extra vault space at certain milestones and / or additional vault space that can be rented How will the new recipes work? They just happen to supply us with a sample! Sample Recipe
  • Imperfect Fire Essence Gem (Strength 10) - Imperfect Pal gem (material 5) - 17 magical dusts, Essence of life - 5 tempers, Draconic fire Additional information... You will possibly make quality items up to 105! There will be 10 gem material types and you will need to experient to find the best ones. The spirit resists will be the most expensive, 21 being the highest for one individual gem. However, using many lower gems may be more cost and stat effective. You will be able to alchemy and spellcraft an item, alchemy depends on your money and spellcraft depends on the points available for the item. The basic items can be purchased, and some also dropped. The higher end components will be dropped only, some will be special dragon only drops. Alchemy won't have white dye, but will allow you to break some stat caps! You WILL be able to re-spec your trade skill to change to spellcraft or alchemy, BUT your skill you are changing from will revert to ZERO. Jewelcrafting will be on the plans at at later date. There are no plans for magical siege equipment at this time. 12:00pm Lunch We had a great buffet lunch and when we were finished, most of us filled out a questionnaire that Mythic had supplied to us. Eight persons with the most correct answers would be chosen to play The Weakest Link after dinner, winner would get a really nice laptop! 1:30pm Roundtables 1-6 There were four rooms available to us to basically harass those from Mythic represented. There were so many questions, answers, and suggestions, that I can't remember them all (sorry), and only noting a couple by italics. The roundtables and Mythic members were as follows:
  • Art -- CJ Grebbs, Mat Weathers, and Mike Crossmire
  • Economy -- Dave Rickey
  • Quests -- Maurice Nelson and Ellisa Evans - they are working on PvP involved, epics, and more quests for Hibernia and possibly a way to /remove a quest
  • Community -- Sanya Thomas and Scott Jennings - suggestion of new way to display your stats on guildpages via ratio
  • Crafting -- Erik Krebs and Spyke Alexander - they talked about the new crafts mostly
  • PvP -- Walter Yarborough These roundtables were mostly Q&A between us and Mythic. gh0stdevil from Warcry audio recorded a couple of these, and I will post a link when they do. There were a few people who didn't get their questions answered due to time contraints, but most of the Mythic team took notes on valuable ideas given by the public. They supplied us with an ice cream treat to cool us all down after all the hot information we were soaking up. 4:30pm Open Q&A After the roundtables, there were more Q&A in the main hall. They let us ask questions that we didn't get to in the individual rooms. 5:00pm Close / Prize Drawings This was the ending for those who only paid for the day ticket. 6:30pm Dinner More great food and company! Allakhazam Scott and Sanya gh0stdevil and Sneezy from Warcry Jeff Hickman (far left) giving away A LOT of t-shirts 7:30pm Costume Contest All those individuals that showed up in costume got to compete for an Nvidia GeForce 4 Video Card. It was judged by audience participation, and there were some great contestants. I didn't get everyone's name, but I did get a couple, and several pix for you to make your own judgements. Most of the contestants A male contestant A female contestant Fairghan - Albion Cleric, Alloyious - Hibernian Friar, and Lythian's Hibernian Cousin
  • all from Percival! 8:00pm Weakest Chainmail Link There were eight guys chosen for the Weakest Chainmial Link. And no, not one got all of them correct. It was quite interesting as Eugene read the questions, you can only imagine some of the answers. I think the best part was the answers to the questionnaire that Eugene read, that Dobbyn Silverfern had answered earlier in the day. They said they would post them on the Camelot Herald soon. If not, I will see if they will forward them to me. Test your knowledge: (these are just the QUESTIONNAIRE) 1. Which of t he following is the Class Title for a level 50 Nightshade? 2. Which of the following locations offers a Horse Ticket directly to Camelot's North Gate? 3. How many Copper is One Mithril piece? 4. How many weapon styles are there in any given line? 5. What does Tir na Nog mean? 6. Which of the following ingredients is NOT part of a Ballista construction? 7. How many total wearable equipment slots are there for a player? (Not counting weapons) 8. Which of the following is not a member of the Muire Family? 9. What color is the Dragon of Arthur's Enemies? 10. How many Dukes are there in Darkness Falls? Waiting on the rules Scott and Sanya laughing at something said Round One Round Two Round Three Final Round Sanya laughing at one of the answers I don't remember the question, but the answer he gave was N-E-R-F And the winner is....... Three contestants including the happy owner of a new laptop (far right) 9:00pm Movies We got to watch all the submittals of movies, and what a treat that was! Most of them were from Guinevere, and showed off some cooperation and talent. The winner was Miir, level 42 Berseker from Guinevere and his Staying Alive rendition. Congratulations Miir! 9:30pm Close After hours I am just posting some pix from the after hours get together. Sanya and Deyth Sanya being friendly!" Can you figure out who that is in the Allakhazam shirt? I caught Spyke off guard! Women of DAoC Ugly one on left -me! And Sanya and Sneezy That cutie in the hat belongs to Sanya! Deyth camping Lum's bindstone and yes, it is posed! Some more attendees Sanya and my hunny! Links to other Roundtable reports: Sneezy's Roundtable Review Deyth of The Combine, Page of Pix Finnsanyane McPooghus' Review


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    # Jul 05 2002 at 10:53 PM Rating: Default
    I'd like to know what the questions for the weakest link was.
    # Jul 04 2002 at 1:49 AM Rating: Default
    I'm the wife of "the guy with the funny trivia question answers who had to leave early" who also submitted a sheet myself. *I* didn't get picked by Eugene to receive a "thank you prize," but hey, if it's a wearable one, I'll just steal it and wear it around the house. It's what we women do. ;)

    I was noticing that you had links below to Roundtable reports, and just thought I'd send you the link to mine, on our Guild Website, if anyone is interested, though I'll admit much of the info (expansion, spellcrafting, etc.) is the same...I did act as "Courtroom Sketch Artist" and tried hamhandedly to draw the new races. That oughtta be good for a laugh, anyway....


    We have more of our "silliness" located on our guild forum (accessible via homepage at
    <http://www.geocities.com/twistedfate_daoc/>) under the topic "CAMELOT SILLINESS." ("Signs That You're Playing Too Much Camelot," etc.)

    Enjoy and everyone have a happy, safe, relaxing, fun 4th! :)

    Finnsanyane McPooghus
    24 Firbolg Druid
    Twisted Fate/Iseult

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