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Added gemming info
# Dec 14 2010 at 1:00 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
What it says on the wrapper. I forgot it before.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
Added gemming info
# Dec 14 2010 at 9:27 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
What wrapper?

Need input on generic headers and structure for the resto section

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
Resto for 85
# Dec 05 2010 at 2:39 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Updated Resto Stuff for 85
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
{{WOW}} tag, and...
# Oct 09 2010 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
I have added the {{WoW|g}} tag to this to mark it as a WoW Guide. I also wikified the link at the bottom to the old stickie.

It would probably look better if you avoided leet-speak in your article.
# Oct 08 2010 at 3:45 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Resto is probably about 75% of the way done. The Cata changes I did last, and was getting kind of tired, so it still needs some work. I'll take another look at it soon.

I didn't touch PvP yet.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
# Oct 07 2010 at 10:29 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
put discussion for content in the page

put style comments here so we can plan for a nice style when it becomes a forum sticky

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
# Oct 08 2010 at 5:51 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
going to split up bear and cat to make it easier

but want to have them have them both under the FERAL main heading, will likely use 3 pages for feral in sticky to divide up the info better

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
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