Aurora (Rift Guild)  


Aurora is an assembly of veteran gamers playing Guardian on Seastone. We are an East Coast based guild and plan to have ~8pm (EST) raid and event start times. We are currently recruiting quality players for endgame PvE and PvP content. We have a special need for ranged and melee DPS of all flavors. That said, we recruit quality players; not souls we need filled.

What we can provide you:

* A mature, friendly, and competitive setting. We enjoy the community of a guild and consider “game friends” an important piece to our gaming experience. * Weekly PvE and PvP Raiding (this guild is not casual nor carebear in nature) * Ventrilo server * Guild website and forums * Dedicated, experienced officers and players that thrive on the challenges of MMOs and the rewards that come with success.

What we require of our members:

* Act mature: Hate speech by members is not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to: open channels, vent, guild chat, and the official forums. * Remain active: While we do not have a minimum attendance requirement for events at this time, we do expect our members to remain active. * Stay informed: Members are required to keep up with strategies and events by visiting this site. Often there will be important information listed in the "Guild News" section. * Keep connected: Have Ventrilo installed/configured. You are not required to talk during events but you are required to listen.

If you have any questions you can find more information at our website.

Categories: RIFT | Guilds (Rift)
This page last modified 2011-02-22 22:15:10.