Bounty Hunter (TSW DECK ACH)  

The Secret World
The Bounty Hunter goes in for the killer combo with a shotgun and pistols. This deck involves building up to an overwhelming attack with guaranteed critical hit and penetration. Hindered enemies are vulnerable to the bonus effects of the Bounty Hunter's pistol and shotgun attacks.

With a passive ability set geared towards inflicting and exploiting debuffs, the Bounty Hunter works best focusing on a target and grinding it down.

Requires the following abilities:

Active Passive
Pump Action Sawed Off
Stopping Power Pinned Down
Set 'Em Up Bad Break
Kickback Gunsmoke
Sticky Drone Invasive Measures
Takedown One in the Chamber
Shotgun Wedding Close Quarters
Reward: Bounty Hunter

Category: The Secret World
This page last modified 2012-09-14 00:51:16.