The Giant Scorpion has some of the most potent venom known to the Temple of Khaine. The Cult of Assassins will pay handsomely for even the smallest amount of the vile elixir. Be advised that the reward for such a transaction is often the chance to experience the effects of the toxin first-hand. No assassin likes to have his methods or his business known. - Tathyl, Dark Elf Trader
Like its arachnid kin, the giant spider, the giant scorpion is a gargantuan example of its species. Hundreds of times larger than a normal scorpion, the giant scorpion dispatches its prey with claws the size of wagon wheels and a stinger like an assassin's dagger.
†† Item Rewards earned can be claimed from one of the Librarians in your home city. Token rewards are used as currency to purchase certain items from a Librarian.
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The potent venom of a giant scorpion sets the blood afire with paralyzing pain. More than one man has been witnessed begging for death, rather than suffer its effects any further.
This page last modified 2009-04-28 06:38:20.
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Namespace: War Mob