Dimensions (Rift)  

Rift 2.0: Storm Legion
Nov. 13, 2012

This is Rift's version of Player Housing. Now that the secret to inter-dimensional travel has been unlocked it is possible to acquire "title" to a personal pocket-dimension. Dimensional Goods vendors will sell you rocks, trees and other landscaping items to mold your dimension into something closer to the reality you know, or want to know. An NPC in your home city will lead you to another nearby who will give you a free personal dimension.

Press "[" to access the Dimensions UI. From here you can see all Dimensions you have access to, including your own, your alts, your friends, your Guild, your guildmates, and all public dimensions!

Although a personal dimension (PD) appears to include the entire zone it copies, you cannot leave the boundaries of the pocket. If you approach a border the air will start to waver and become solid and opaque.

  • Meridian - Speak to Perzin Hejme in a merchant stall on the main plaza, not far from the calling trainers
  • Sanctum - Speak to Tryyna Hejme in the gazebo above the crafting area, south of the main staircase into the central building

  1. Your First Small Dimension
  2. Placing Dimension Items
  3. Removing Dimension Items

When you have a key to a dimension, click on it from the Dimensions tab in the Character screen to go to your dimension.

You can own multiple dimensions, but can only have one active dimension at a time. Replacing one dimension with another will pack all placed items and put them in a moving crate.

Here are a few Keys we have seen, where to get them, and what they unlock.

DimensionKeyKey VendorPriceNotes
Dimension: Sanguine ShoresKey to Dimension: Sanguine ShoresQuest reward from Your First Small DimensionSilverwood
Dimension: Warden's PointKey to Dimension: Warden's PointQuest reward from Your First Small DimensionFreemarch
Dimension: Faen's RetreatKey to Dimension: Faen's RetreatToia Hejme in Argent Glade (Silverwood)
Daor Hejme in Tulan (Cape Jule)
Mae Hejme in Tuldio Retreat (Kingdom of Pelladane)
Woody Cook at The Canals (Tempest Bay)
200 0 0 Shimmersand
Dimension: Dolcega ValleyKey to Dimension: Dolcega ValleyWoody Cook at The Canals (Tempest Bay)50 0 0 Pelladane
Dimension: Plaza AurentineKey to Dimension: Plaza AurentineWoody Cook at The Canals (Tempest Bay)50 0 0 Tempest Bay
Dimension: Breach ChamberKey to Dimension: Breach ChamberWoody Cook at The Canals (Tempest Bay)50 0 0 
Dimension: Shoreward IslandKey to Dimension: Shoreward IslandWoody Cook at The Canals (Tempest Bay)500 0 0 
Dimension: Bogling BoggleKey to Dimension: Bogling Boggle
Dimension: Central NecropolisKey to Dimension: Central NecropolisWoody Cook at The Canals (Tempest Bay)200 0 0 Seratos
Dimension: Strozza Estate VillaKey to Dimension: Strozza Estate VillaWoody Cook at The Canals (Tempest Bay)200 0 0 Eastern Holdings
Dimension: Stone Flask TavernKey to Dimension: Stone Flask TavernWoody Cook at The Canals (Tempest Bay)500 0 0 Stonecrest
Dimension: Vengeful SkyKey to Dimension: Vengeful SkyWoody Cook at The Canals (Tempest Bay)500 0 0 
Dimension: Empyrean MillKey to Dimension: Empyrean MillWoody Cook at The Canals (Tempest Bay)50 0 0 Empyrean Core
Dimension: Dormant CoreKey to Dimension: Dormant CoreWoody Cook at The Canals (Tempest Bay)1,500 0 0 Ember Isle
Dimension: Stone Flask TavernKey to Guild Dimension: Stone Flask Tavern500 0 0 Stonecrest
Dimension: Caer KholumKey to Guild Dimension: Caer Kholum1,500 0 0 Caer Kholum
Dimension: Tuldio Sun OrbKey to Guild Dimension: Tuldio Sun Orb1,500 0 0 Pelladane (Temple of the Sun)
Dimension: Halls of ShapingKey to Guild Dimension: Halls of Shaping5,400 0 0 Halls of Shaping
Dimension: Golem FoundryKey to Guild Dimension: Golem Foundry5,400 0 0 Golem Foundry
† Guild Dimensions can be purchased via the Dimensions tab on the Guild UI by any leader with permissions to spend Guild Funds.


In addition to items that can be crafted, there are many merchants that sell sets of Dimension Goods to help you decorate your home pocket. Here are a few and a general description of what they sell.

Mercenary HudsonTempest BayPlaza Aurentine (Magazine)FavorBanners
Woody CookTempest BayThe CanalscoinBasic materials, furniture, trees
Pova SlavioTempest BayThe CanalscoinFurniture
Poma SunoTempest BayThe CanalscoinLandscaping
Ami SomeroTempest BayThe CanalscoinTrees
Krocu JetkuboTempest BayThe CanalscoinRocks
Chiela FortoTempest BayThe CanalsPlanariteMenhir and Projectors

Categories: Rift | Storm Legion
This page last modified 2012-12-14 18:12:02.