EQ:Suspended Minion  

Quick Facts
Suspended Minion

Type: Active
Macro: /alt activate 176
Expansion: Planes of Power
Total AA: 38
Cooldown: 00:00:01
Classes: Beastlord, Enchanter, Magician, Necromancer, Shadowknight, Shaman


Beastlord Enchanter Magician Necromancer Shadowknight Shaman

This ability, when activated, allows you to suspend and recall your summoned pet at will. Rank 7 allows you to swap your current pet with your suspended pet.

Rank Requirements

Rk AA Lvl ExpansionEffect Prerequisites
1 5 62 Planes of Power 3248

2 3 64 Planes of Power 3249

3 ?? ?? ??

4 ?? ?? ??

5 ?? ?? ??

6 ?? ?? ??

7 30 75 Empires of Kunark

This page last modified 2016-11-20 01:31:49.