FR Item:Gifting Tree  

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Gifting Tree
Place this in your house and click it every day to receive a gift! Turns into a regular holiday tree after 30 days.

Cannot Sell
Cannot Trade
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This item is only available in the Marketplace.


  • Once you place this item at your house or lot, you can not put it back in your inventory. You can move it to a different position at that property, but that's all you can do until the 30 days are over.
  • Unlike the Jackpot Plant, this tree can only be clicked by the owner, and only once every 24 hours.

Possible Rewards

This article refers to items, events, personae and activities available in-game during the Snow Days celebration.
This year, Snow Days is set to run from December 3, 2013 to January 13, 2014.

This page last modified 2011-01-10 06:34:59.